November’s Essential Business MOOCs

DMAC Jose speaking

Introduction to Public Speaking: Improptu Speaking


School: University of Washington

Platform: Canvas

Registration Link: Introduction to Public Speaking: Improptu Speaking

Start Date: November 17, 2014 (Self-Paced)

Workload: 3-5 Hours Per Week

Instructor: Dr. Matt McGarrity

Credentials:  Dr. McGarrity is the Director of the Speaking Center at the University of Washington, where he also teaches “undergraduate and graduate course in public in public speaking, argumentation, classical rhetoric, rhetorical criticism, and communication pedagogy.” As a teacher, he has won the Outstanding Professor Award from the National Speakers’ Association.

Graded: Not Specified

Description: A derivative of McGarrity’s “Introduction to Public Speaking” MOOC on Coursera, this course helps students draft and deliver presentations that are clear, succinct, and engaging.  Students will also study the structure and substance of famous speeches, along with critiquing speeches of their peers. Taught through video lectures and discussion boards, students will learn to “speak confidently with appropriate rate, projection, movement, and vocal variety. In addition, they will be to produce speeches in persuasive and informative settings.

Review: No reviews.