The New Faculty Faces At The Top Business Schools

Berkeley’s Haas School of Business hired eight new professors with a combined six years of experience. In fact, all six of those years come from Jonathan Kolstad. Berkeley-Haas was able to woo Kolstad from Pennsylvania’s Wharton where he was also an assistant professor. Other professors joining come from the who’s who of top b-schools. They’ve earned PhDs from Harvard, London Business School, MIT, Chicago Booth, Columbia Business School, and UCLA Anderson.

Michigan Ross was able to hire six new professors with 34 years of experience. The vast majority of that experience comes from Toni Whited, who was hired as the Dale L. Dykema Professor of Business Administration. Whited has spent time as a professor at Boston College, the University of Iowa, the University of Delaware, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Rochester. At Wisconsin she was the Kuechenmeister-Bascom Professor of Business and at Rochester, where she was hired from, was Michael and Diane Jones Professor of Business Administration. Whited has more classroom experience than any other faculty hire this academic year.