Data Analytics At Gies

Data Analytics Student at Gies looking at charts on a large computer monitorEmployees who understand business analytics and can use that data to make informed, strategic decisions are in high demand.

Gies College of Business has always been a leader in providing students with a strong business analytics education that readies them to meet that demand. Gies continues to take the lead by expanding the curriculum to include additional data analytics courses that prepare students to become leaders in business.

Two separate analytics courses are part of the business core curriculum and are required for every undergraduate student. Business Analytics I introduces linear regressions, data visualization, data summarization, and much more. Business Analytics II helps students synthesize those concepts through hands-on application and project-based learning focused on data acquisition, organization, visualization, and more. That commitment to analytics extends to Gies’ master’s programs as well, with data analytics concentrations available in some programs.

Gies students gain more data analytics experience through the Margolis Market Information Lab, one of the most highly utilized university finance labs in the US. There, students have access to the same state-of-the-art finance and business tools that global firms use, giving them a distinct advantage as they pursue their careers.

Gies Business also home to the University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics. Powered by Gies faculty, the Center develops leading-edge data analytics teaching modules that can be used by any business school in the world. The College also searches for and recruits rising stars in the data analytics field who come to Gies to hone their skills and train the next generation of data-driven business leaders.

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