P&Q’s Must Reads: Every MBA Consultant Said He Didn’t Have A Chance At Stanford GSB. He Just Graduated by: Kristy Bleizeffer on July 15, 2022 | 489 Views July 15, 2022 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit Hello everyone –- Welcome back to Poets&Quants’ Must Reads, a quick, digestible recap of the top business school news, sponsored by CentreCourt, P&Q’s virtual admission events. I’m your host, Kristy Bleizeffer, and I’ll be highlighting the most important P&Q stories you might have missed. So, Let’s get to it. No. 1: Every MBA Consultant Said He Didn’t Have A Chance At Stanford GSB. He Just Graduated It wasn’t one MBA consultant that told Jason Buchel not to waste his time applying to Stanford Graduate School of Business in Round 3. It wasn’t even two. In all of the initial calls he had with consultants to talk about his background, Jason heard different versions of the same theme: “You don’t have a shot. Wait until next year.” But Jason listened to his gut and charged ahead. This summer, he graduated with his MBA. You can read about his inspiring journey, as well as his advice for getting into one of the pickiest business schools in the world, now on our homepage. No. 2: MBA Pay By Region: Here’s How Much You’re Worth Where you live and work, geographically speaking, shapes your network and opportunities – even with Zoom and LinkedIn. This article examines the pay gap between six geographic regions of the United States as well as internationally. Hint, the best paying regions are where you think they are. Find out by how much in our roundup, MBA Pay By Region. No. 3: 10 Biggest Surprises & Insights In The Economist’s 2022 MBA Ranking Last month, the Economist released its 2022 ranking of the top MBA programs with some mind-boggling results.You know something’s awry when Harvard Business School tops a major MBA ranking and it comes as a surprise. In a followup, P&Q writer Jeff Schmidt examines the 10 biggest surprises from the economist ranking, including why some of the elite international schools aren’t listed, an impressive slide by Chicago Booth, and the biggest winners and losers over last year’s survey. You can read the full analysis now in our rankings tab. No. 4: Our Weekly Round Up of News You Can Use No matter where you are in your B-school journey, we bring several helpful stories for you this week. First up: For those working furiously on your MBA essays, or those still wondering what the heck to write, be sure to check out two essential stories from P&Q editor in chief, John Byrne: MBA Essays That Worked At Harvard & Stanford and What Matters? And What More? 50 Successful Essays. We’ve also updated our guide on the MBA application deadlines, and offer 7 ways to maximize your online MBA experience. Finally, for those trying to wade through the myriad ways to apply to business school, be sure to read through this story: What You Need to Know About Early and Deferred Admissions. And, that’s it for this week’s Must Reads recap. I also want to alert all the school seekers out there to CentreCourt’s upcoming MBA Festival events. Our next series, The MBA & Your Career, is happening October 4-5, and you can register for free on our events tab. Again, I’m Kristy Bleizeffer, and you can join me next week, right here, for a recap of what’s important in the world of business education. Thanks for listening and, as always, stay informed!