April 16-17, 2024 Hosted by Poets&Quants Poets&Quants Backstage Online MBA Admissions Event Events For Prospective Online MBA Students Experience the world of the Online MBA, a rapidly growing, flexible, and affordable degree program tailored for ambitious business professionals. Our events offer exclusive access to top Online MBA programs, all conveniently brought together in one place! Discover exclusive and insider insights from admissions, career development teams, current students, and alumni, which provide a true understanding of the benefits of an Online MBA. Let their expertise guide you in selecting the perfect fit for your lifestyle and career. Are you looking for general management or specialized focus? Which programs are best for each? Which schools offer both? Is an asynchronous or synchronous program best for you and your learning style? Is it a myth that the Online MBA is not for career switchers? Do employers value graduates to the same degree as full time grads? April 16-17: The Online MBA Experience Gain practical insights into the Online MBA and explore its potential on your future. This session is designed to offer an understanding of all there is to know about pursuing an Online MBA including: How to Get In & Find The Right Fit – Delve into the elements of a compelling application, discover strategies for finding the right fit, gain valuable interview tips, explore scholarship opportunities, and receive practical advice on essays and navigating test scores. Student & Alumni Perspective & Advice – Understand the motivations behind choosing an Online MBA, explore its impact on career trajectories, benefit from insights of those who have been in the shoes you’re looking to fill, and learn how to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Event Start Date: 04/16/2024Event End Date: 04/17/2024Find out more or register here