MBA Watch | Complete Candidate Profiles

MBA Watch is where thousands of MBA applicants not only get to tell their story but have John A. Byrne, MBA admissions coaches from Fortuna Admissions, The MBA Exchange, & Admissionado, and our audience, assess their odds of admission and get help to improve their chances of getting in! Submit the basic details of your likely application, including GMAT or GRE score and GPA, along with your target business schools and get input on your candidacy from the Poets&Quants network.

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Experts & P&Q Assessors, click on a profile below to weigh in on candidate odds or filter through all the profiles to read the odds of others.

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Candidate Name Top Choice School Industry
The Brown Guy Emory Goizueta Banking & Finance
Ms. Scientist Businesswoman Emory Goizueta Healthcare
Ms. Marketing Maverick Emory Goizueta Other
Ms. Banker Emory Goizueta Banking & Finance
Ms. Athlete To Consulting Emory Goizueta Other
Mr. Tech Engineer Emory Goizueta Technology
Mr. Singing Banking Lawyer Emory Goizueta Law
Mr. Product Development Engineer Emory Goizueta Power / Energy
Mr. Operations Guy Emory Goizueta Manufacturing
Mr. Multimedia Emory Goizueta Media
Mr. Marketing Analytics Emory Goizueta Marketing
Mr. Linus Emory Goizueta Technology
Mr. Leading Edge Problems Emory Goizueta Manufacturing
Mr. Family Business Turned Consultant Emory Goizueta Construction Management
Mr. FA Captain Emory Goizueta Government / Military
Mr. Brazilian Sales Specialist Emory Goizueta Manufacturing