
Mr. E-Sports Coach

About Me:

From Greece and non-target UNIs, I have hustled my way into IB in Europe. Passionate about E-sports, started as a professional player and Founded a group that provides consulting services to newcomers & professionals. After 1y in the Special Forces and 8 months in Insurance I shifted into Entrepreneurial M&A after internships with 2 big firms.


Target School: Harvard

Considering: Wharton, Columbia, NYU Stern, Cornell Johnson

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of Ioannina

Undergrad Major: Mathematics

GPA: 5.72/10

GRE: 323

Age: 28,  Ethnicity: White

Other Degree/Certification: MSc Investment Management (71/100) (top 10%)

School Name: Cranfield School of Management

Extracurriculars: E-sports coaching & mentoring Group (founder), Ex-professional player, Gastronomy club memberships (Steaks, Wine and Whiskey lover), Volunteer fundraiser for Caritas in my home coutry through personal social network

Work History:

Title: Investment Banking Analyst

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Boutique Firm

Length of Employment: 2 yrs

Title: Sergeant Marine - Special Forces

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Marines

Length of Employment: 1 yr

Big Life Wins:

1. Managed to make E-sports recognizable at a National level and made my hobby a profitable activity. 2. Vice president in New Democracy’s (current government) political party for my Undergrad University. 3. Leveraging social networks to fundraise for charitable activities.

Post MBA Goal:

Short term, the MBA will help to continue in IB with a BB firm now climbing the ladder up to C-suite where I could move from revenue to impact creation actions. In addition, I want to introduce e-sports as an Olympic game and leverage the networks from banking and Harvard for it and my extracurriculars.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 23%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Odds Assessment: 45%

    Hi! This is Jean-Philippe, I’m Senior Consultant at The MBA Exchange and graduate of Harvard Business School (MBA). Ignore the naysayers – you have proven with your path that you have what it takes to make your goals happen! There are some rich experiences in your background, and the test score issues are definitely surmountable. However there is no room for error – you will need the perfect strategy AND implementation to present your full profile in a way that the Admissions Committees will understand and value. I’d be happy to discuss with you in more detail, just email me at I look forward to hearing from you!

    4 years ago
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi, it’s Nisha from mbaMission! Your passion for and impact on E-sports is intriguing, and it’s a distinguishing extracurricular activity – make sure you communicate in your application how you got started in E-sports and why it is so important to you. However, schools will be just as focused on your academics and career path. Regarding academics – your undergrad GPA is weak, but your MsC standing should help offset it. Additionally, I recommend taking the GRE to get closer to the mid 160s on each side, which is more in line with the average for CBS and Wharton.

    However, I think one thing schools might wonder: if you already have an MsC in investment management and are currently …

    4 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 5%

    Mr. E-sports coach – Thanks for sharing your profile. Susan Cera here from Stratus. I’m less bullish on your chances at HBS. With your current stats which are lower than the averages, you don’t have a better chance than the average applicant (`10%) to get in. I think you have a really interesting story to tell and it will be imperative that you explain why you need an MBA if you want to return to IB, espeically when you already have an advanced degree in investments. What is it that you need to learn that ONLY an MBA will give you? Look beyond HBS. NYU and CBS host a MES (Media, Entertainment & Sports) conference each year. There are several other schools that are co-hosts. …

    4 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 34%

  • 15% | 4 years ago

  • 5% | 4 years ago

  • 15% | 4 years ago

    Kudos for hustling your way into i-banking, that's definitely an accomplishment! Being from Greece might give you an edge -- I think P&Q has said before that international students from Europe are highly sought after. I think to strengthen your profile, it may be worth retaking the GRE. Best of luck!
  • 100% | 4 years ago

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