
Mr. Second MBA In Europe

About Me:

I have completed my MBA from a top-rated (non-IIM) from India. Looking to go for a one-year MBA program in Europe. My motivation is to gain international exposure and eventually work for a consulting firm or a tech firm. Presently working as an Assistant Manager with Big4.


Target School: INSEAD

Considering: London Business School, UCLA Anderson

See More Profiles For: INSEAD

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: IP University, Delhi

Undergrad Major: Electronics

GPA: 2.9

GMAT: 730

Age: 29,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Other Degree/Certification: MBA

School Name: NITIE, Mumbai

Extracurriculars: Painting and sketching at University level | Making cool gifts using electronics

Work History:

Title: Assistant Manager

Industry: Consulting

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 4 yrs, 2 mos

Big Life Wins:

Was awarded in Annual awards of the organization for project work, know German (A1), studied on a full fee waiver scholarship in undergrad, and won a national level technical event in college. Active in art & crafts in college.

Post MBA Goal:

Looking to make a career in strategic consulting or developing technology solutions in a startup.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 15%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 15%

    I am always surprised at how many young professionals who already have an MBA want another one. You fit that profile, though I totally get the the MBA you have from an Indian school (NOT an IIM) doesn’t travel nearly as well as one from a top European or U.S. business school. Your 2.9 GPA is pretty low for INSEAD, even in light of your 730 GMAT. You do have an impressive job, however, with a Big 4 firm. So I would say you are hardly a no-brainer admit for INSEAD but you stand some chance. The problem, frankly, is the competition: You will be in a pool with other Indian males with higher GPAs from more prestigious schools, higher GMATs and even more impressive …

    2 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 78%

  • 75% | 2 years ago

  • 80% | 2 years ago

    also look at 1 year Cornell MBA. suits your goals.

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