
Mr. Whiteboard

About Me:

I’m fascinated by how the products we use can influence our relationship with the world and others around us. I started my career as an engineer to understand the fundamentals of how those products are made – now I want to understand how those concepts grow from one-offs in a basement to fixtures in people’s homes.


Target School: StanfordĀ GSB

Considering: Berkeley Haas

Accepted: Berkeley Haas

See More Profiles For: StanfordĀ GSB

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: UC Berkeley

Undergrad Major: Mechanical Engineering

GPA: 3.9

GMAT: 740

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: White

Extracurriculars: Rebuild salvage cars

Work History:

Title: Product Designer (Hardware)

Industry: Technology

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 1 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Joined the best hardware Product Design team in the world. First on my team to be placed on a leadership track and first named lead of a critical system module.
– Designed, built, and prototyped low-cost robots contracted out to major R&D firms while in college.

Post MBA Goal:

Short term: Product Manager/Leadership in consumer technology/robotics.
Long term: Startup bringing low-cost robotic hardware (robust, human-safe, inviting) to market.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 20%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Patty Keegan, Fortuna Admissions | Odds Assessment: 20%

    I love your curiosity, Mr. Whiteboard! That perspective and passion will serve you well in business school. Your GMAT and GPA credentials are strong and your current professional experience and leadership opportunities will bolster your application. What’s needed here is more information about you and your bold vision for the future. Rebuilding salvage cars is interesting but tells us more about you as an engineer, not as an individual. Stanford looks for bold vision in its applicants, so including more information about your start-up interests and what you hope to accomplish is vital. Be brave! You have the credentials, now the vision needs to be communicated. We also need to know more about you as a person. How will you help classmates and contribute to …

    2 years ago Read the full review

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The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 11%

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