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Indian Engineer who started the career as a Software Engineer in a Fortune 500 company. After working there for 18 months, I did a PGDM course (MBA equivalent) from a Top 8 Bschool in India. After that, I started working in the world’s 4th largest Telecom Company as a Product Manager.
Target School: Stanford GSB
Considering: Wharton, Harvard, Kellogg SOM, MIT Sloan, INSEAD
See More Profiles For: Stanford GSB
Application Status: Open
Undergrad School: Top 10 National Engineering College
Undergrad Major: Material Engineering
GPA: 9.49/10
GMAT: 730
Age: 28, Ethnicity: Asian or Indian
Other Degree/Certification: MBA (PGDM)
School Name: Top 8 National B-School
Extracurriculars: Led the college International Exchange process (for students to 13 colleges in 21 international locations), Worked with multiple NGOs (to teach underpriveleged and disabled children), Painting (Merit Positions in several national level painting competitions)
Title: Product Manager
Industry: Public Utilties
Company: Global
Length of Employment: 1 yr
Title: Software Engineer
Industry: Technology
Company: Fortune 500
Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos
During my two years of MBA – even with high academic rigor – I led the International Exchange body, participated in and won many corporate competitions, became a Major Topper, won a scholarship along with actively continuing with my painting.
After MBA, I want to be a Product Manager/Senior Product Manager at one of the Silicon Valley Technology Product Companies.
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Hi Artistic Engineer, this is Deepak Punwani from MBA Exchange. Lots to like in the profile you have shared. Your academic scores are excellent. Both Jadavpur University and XLRI are top 10 in their respective domains. Your determination to do well academically really comes through. And it seems you have taken leadership positions outside work in your extra curricular activities. And a Product Manager role also gets you closer to your post MBA goals. So that seems to tie up well. My concern is that as my peers have mentioned, your prior MBA will be a hindrance at Stanford. They dont prefer those with a second MBA unless the candidates have substantial work experience in which case they ask them to apply for the …
Hi Artistic Engineer, this is Deepak Punwani from MBA Exchange. Lots to like in the profile you have shared. Your academic scores are excellent. Both Jadavpur University and XLRI are top 10 in their respective domains. Your determination to do well academically really comes through. And it seems you have taken leadership positions outside work in your extra curricular activities. And a Product Manager role also gets you closer to your post MBA goals. So that seems to tie up well. My concern is that as my peers have mentioned, your prior MBA will be a hindrance at Stanford. They dont prefer those with a second MBA unless the candidates have substantial work experience in which case they ask them to apply for the one year MSx program. There are other schools on your list namely Wharton and INSEAD who are more receptive to those with a prior MBA. If you execute well at those schools, the chances increase to 20%. Good luck
Hi Ms. Artistic Engineer! This is Kate Richardson, Senior Admissions Consultant. Let me start by saying that GSB is a reach for pretty much every applicant, so don’t be dismayed by the low odds I’ve assigned. I do think you’ll have a better shot at the other schools on your list. In terms of your profile, already having a PGDM must be addressed in your application. It is not an atypical situation, as I’ve seen others want a US MBA to upgrade their credibility/access to top employers, but you need a strong story around why the first degree was not sufficient and clear focus around how you’ll use a US MBA to benefit your career (and others, for GSB). I think the other challenge, especially …
Hi Ms. Artistic Engineer! This is Kate Richardson, Senior Admissions Consultant. Let me start by saying that GSB is a reach for pretty much every applicant, so don’t be dismayed by the low odds I’ve assigned. I do think you’ll have a better shot at the other schools on your list. In terms of your profile, already having a PGDM must be addressed in your application. It is not an atypical situation, as I’ve seen others want a US MBA to upgrade their credibility/access to top employers, but you need a strong story around why the first degree was not sufficient and clear focus around how you’ll use a US MBA to benefit your career (and others, for GSB). I think the other challenge, especially at the top schools like GSB and Harvard, is that while your age is in line with other applicants, your work experience will be a bit on the low side. Aside from those areas, I think you’ve got excellent grades, an impressive switch from engineering to product management, involved community work, plus I like the mix of technical skills and creative interests. Finally, a 730 is great but do keep in mind that many engineers from India are applying with even higher scores (750-760) so that could be another challenge at the very top programs. Best of luck to you!
Hi Ms. Artistic Engineer, what a great combination you have! This is Donna Bauman with Stratus Admissions and I am happy to provide some insight on your profile. I like your grades, your GMAT and your product management experience already. Be prepared to make the case for why you need this additional training in your MBA when you did the PGDM course already. You can get through this but you should address it in your application. For GSB, I want you to think big and mine your life for stories that can help you explain what matters most to you. This program is tough for anyone—let alone an international student applying one year after covid where as much as half of the spots for internationals …
Hi Ms. Artistic Engineer, what a great combination you have! This is Donna Bauman with Stratus Admissions and I am happy to provide some insight on your profile. I like your grades, your GMAT and your product management experience already. Be prepared to make the case for why you need this additional training in your MBA when you did the PGDM course already. You can get through this but you should address it in your application. For GSB, I want you to think big and mine your life for stories that can help you explain what matters most to you. This program is tough for anyone—let alone an international student applying one year after covid where as much as half of the spots for internationals might already be filled from the deferrals from the prior year. So next year will be tough for GSB and all these top programs for anyone—but especially internationals. So don’t be discouraged by my dismal 5% odds—as that is just the story of GSB. I like your odds at INSEAD, Wharton, Kellogg and Sloan better—and even HBS if you can drip leadership on every ounce of the application. You may also consider Haas and Ross. Haas obviously has strong Silicon Valley connections but so does Ross. And for that matter I would also add Anderson to the mix. Bottom line—your application needs to be great—but I think you have some strong building blocks and if you are serious about putting in the effort I think you can be successful in at least one of these programs in your target group. Happy to talk further on a free consult if you desire!
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