
Ms. Startup Enthusiast

About Me:

I am currently working in a global startup as an associate product manager. I dream of having own startup someday.


Target School: INSEAD

Considering: Chicago Booth

See More Profiles For: INSEAD

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Symbiosis Institute of Technology

Undergrad Major: Computer Science Engineering

GPA: 3.6

GMAT: 750

Age: 23,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Other Degree/Certification: Diploma in Business Management

School Name: Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

Extracurriculars: Volunteer in NGOs

Work History:

Title: Associate Product Manager

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 2 mos

Title: Senior Software Developer

Industry: Technology

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

I have worked end to end on product development at an upcoming Indian startup. I have made a switch from being a developer to product manager recently.

Post MBA Goal:

I want to start my own global company.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 18%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • Odds Assessment: 30%

    Hi, this is Deepak Punwani from MBA Exchange. Right of the bat, let me say there is a lot to like in your profile and am bullish about your chances at INSEAD but will offer a few caveats towards the later part of this review. Firstly, congrats on a great GMAT score and also on making the move from software development to product management. INSEAD is currently really big on start up profiles and is more open to looking at younger applicants from India, so the “macro” trends are in your favour. That said, there is still work to be done to build on these positives. My first submission would be that you think long and hard on right timing for your MBA. Do you …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 5%

    Hi, Ms. Startup Enthusiast, Julie-Anne Heafey here with mbaMission. First, congratulations on a stellar GMAT score – a 750 is excellent, and well above the INSEAD average. I’m assuming you took it relatively recently? Luckily, the score lasts for 5 years, because I think you need to build more experience before applying. The INSEAD average is 6 years of experience…it’s higher than the average at most top US MBA programs. Beyond that, they’re looking for leadership and strong career goals (since it’s a short program). It’s great that you’ve moved roles and are getting a new perspective in product management…but you’ve only been there for 2 months. It doesn’t seem like you have a lot to talk about yet, and your …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 18%

  • Young, 2 more years in her managerial position will give her the experience and a better chance.
  • 5% | 5 years ago

    No work experience. Go do something and come back.
  • 10% | 5 years ago

    Way too young. Wait a few years.
  • 25% | 5 years ago

  • 50% | 5 years ago

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