Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Avis Chan, Stanford GSB

Avis Chan

Stanford Graduate School of Business

“Authentic and self-driven management consultant from Hong Kong with dreams of enhancing health and wellness through food and technology.”

Hometown: Hong Kong SAR, China

Fun Fact About Yourself: I was a tenpin bowling player in high school.

Undergraduate School and Major: University of Hong Kong, International Business and Global Management, History

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Bain & Company, Manager

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of Stanford GSB’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? GSB’s resources around entrepreneurship were key to my decision to attend business school. Having worked in professional services and corporate settings before business school, I was keen on deepening my knowledge of entrepreneurship. As a GSB student, I had the opportunity to witness firsthand the abundant resources and active entrepreneurial culture at Stanford. The “Founders” Slack channel was initiated by our classmates from the beginning of school, with numerous founder meet-ups across various industries taking place. Stanford offers many entrepreneurship courses that teach you how to develop your ideas, with successful startups like Doordash emerging from these programs. Talks from venture capitalists or founders are organized by clubs nearly every day. Additionally, there are many cross-school opportunities to connect with entrepreneurial talents from other departments such as the School of Engineering and School of Medicine. All these programs and connections have proven extremely helpful as I navigate my entrepreneurial journey.

What has been the most important thing that you’ve learned at Stanford GSB so far? The most important thing I’ve learned at GSB so far is that self-awareness is crucial for success. The curriculum at GSB places significant emphasis on introspection. One notable course, Leadership Labs, centers around the fundamental question, “Why would anyone follow you?” This course prompts deep self-reflection, encouraging students to understand themselves better, including identifying the type of leader they currently are and the type of leader they aspire to become. By grappling with these questions, students can establish a foundation that enables them to align their actions with who they want to be.

What course, club or activity have you enjoyed the most so far at Stanford GSB? What I enjoyed the most were the Small Group Dinners, sponsored events where students were randomly assigned to groups. These dinners provided a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and learn about each other’s stories. Attending these gatherings allowed me to appreciate the inclusive environment that GSB has cultivated, fostering friendships among classmates from diverse backgrounds.

What quality best describes your MBA classmates you’ve met so far? Give an example why this is true. “Proactive” is the term that best describes my MBA classmates. Everyone is actively engaged in various activities. If an opportunity doesn’t already exist, my classmates take the initiative to create it. For instance, they organized events such as tailgates, weekly coffee meet-ups, and book exchanges. GSB has an inclusive environment where everyone has the chance to initiate and participate in various activities.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: I had the privilege to work with leading healthcare players in Asia to design their future strategies, contributing to a more vibrant healthcare ecosystem and better patient experience and outcomes in Asia.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far? My biggest accomplishment so far as an MBA student was adhering to my priorities. Before joining GSB, I set three goals for myself: (1) enhance my public speaking skills, (2) explore entrepreneurship, and (3) improve my health. Despite the demanding nature of the MBA program with numerous activities and commitments, I remained focused on these objectives. To address my first goal, I actively sought opportunities to refine my communication skills, such as giving TALK (a student-run tradition of sharing personal life stories with our classmates), scheduling regular appointments with my communications coach, and delivering a Lowkey Note. Regarding my second goal, I partnered with an MBA1 classmate to pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor. For my third goal, I committed to working out at least three times per week, participating in activities like GSB-sponsored yoga classes and fitness classes. Managing the various aspects of life at GSB, including social engagements, academic responsibilities, health, and career considerations, has been challenging. However, I take pride in successfully balancing these elements and staying focused on what matters most to me.

What has been your best memory as an MBA so far? Delivering a TALK stands out as the highlight of my MBA experience. I had the privilege of being the first among my classmates to share my personal story on stage. Despite the initial nerves of addressing hundreds of classmates, the support and warmth from everyone in the audience made it a memorable experience. The TALK not only allowed me to share my journey but also made me somewhat “famous” within the GSB community, leading to many new friendships. In fact, following my TALK, I encountered scenarios where people would approach me with greetings like, “Hi, I’m Avis. I don’t think we’ve met. Nice to meet you!” or “Oh, Avis! Even though we haven’t officially met, I listened to your TALK and feel like I know so much about you already!” This experience highlighted the special and supportive nature of the GSB community.

What advice would you give to a prospective applicant looking to join the Stanford GSB Class of 2026? Apply authentically, showcasing your true self. GSB employs a thorough review process, where every aspect of your application counts. Use the application as an opportunity to introspect and narrate your distinctive story — no story is too small. Embrace the chance to reflect genuinely, as GSB values the diversity and individuality that each applicant brings to the table.


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