Jason Bodewitz


Newark, Delaware

United States

Consultant Bio

WyseGyde consultants are current students or recent graduates of Top 10 MBA programs. At only $59/hr, they are intimately familiar with both the current program cultures and their future directions. WyseGyde consultants have their fingers on the pulse with the information and insight that you really need.

Our consultants’ professional experiences extend across nearly the entire spectrum of industries, including finance, consulting, and tech. Our consultant pool is diverse, with international experience, military experience, experience with dual-degree programs, and even MBA Admissions experience.

Basically, WyseGyde has a consultant for everybody. And they are eager to work with the next generation of hungry MBA candidates.

Company Information

WyseGyde knows what it’s like to be overwhelmed by the daunting MBA admissions process. We were once there too. A little guidance at the time would have made a world of difference, but traditional admissions consultants were simply too expensive.

We have now made it our mission to deliver affordable, relevant, and flexible admissions consulting without sacrificing the quality necessary for success. Whether you are just setting out on your MBA journey, or simply looking for some fine tuning, we can provide the support you need.

Everyone has a unique story to tell and we are here to help you tell it.

Menu of Services and Associated Costs

WyseGyde offers a suite of services for $59/hr that includes strategic counseling, resume and essay editing, and interview prep. But we also hand tailor our services to your specific desires–simply tell us what you want. The price doesn’t change, but the services are for you and your needs.

Location: Newark, Delaware, United States

Email: jasonbodewitz@wysegyde.com

Website: http://www.wysegyde.com/

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