
President & Founder

MBA Ivy League

New York, New York

United States

Consultant Bio

CEO of MBA Ivy:  Former Harvard admissions interviewer + Harvard graduate.  I specialize in the Top Ten MBA + EMBA programs in the U.S.

Company Information

Each year, MBA IVY LEAGUE gets clients into the top MBA programs in the U.S. and abroad, including HBS, Wharton, Kellogg, Chicago Booth, Columbia, MIT Sloan, NYU Stern, Duke Fuqua, UCLA Anderson, UC Berkeley, Darden, and Ross, and overseas, INSEAD, LBS, Judge, and Said. I have an extremely high success rate, because I don’t take on every client who calls me. As a boutique firm, my process is selective…I work with the best… but that turns into excellent acceptance rates all around.

Menu of Services and Associated Costs

Individual school package: $2,500
3-school package: $7,500
5-school package: $12,500

Location: New York, New York, United States

Phone: (212) 671-0891

Email: MBAIvyLeagueInfo@gmail.com

Website: https://www.mbaivy.com/

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MBA Schools For Consideration

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