
Ms. Deferred Candidate

About Me:

Hello, I am a senior undergrad and I am applying for deferred MBA programs.
I am a first-generation student, I come from Vietnam and live in France since primary school. During my 3 years at university I worked a lot part-time alongside my studies and I am very involved in politics.


See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Paris Pantheon Sorbonne

Undergrad Major: Management & Finance

GPA: Double Degree: 3.2 & 4.0

GMAT: 700

Age: 20,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Elected member Board of directors Sorbonne University | Student council president | President of the young (veterans association)

Work History:

Title: General Staff Officer

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Army

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 4 mos

Title: Parliamentarian Attache

Industry: Government / Military

Company: Senate

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 10 mos

Big Life Wins:

I won a lot of public speaking competitions (law moot court, parliamentarian debate, elloquency)
I was invited by a fellowship program among 6 young talents in French politics for an exchange in Washington to discuss with American decision-makers.
I raised several associations from their ashes and managed their fundraising campaigns.

Post MBA Goal:

During the 2 years deferred admission period: I have received an invitation from the Minister of the Armed forces and will join his team as an attache

Post-MBA: venture capital or consulting

Very Long-term: to build my own private military company


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