
Ms. UK In the USA

About Me:

A renewable developer who moved to the US within her company after working in mgmt accounting in London. MBA for 2 main reasons. 1. To be a key player in the clean energy conversation. 2. To be more equipped to support young students into stem careers.


See More Profiles For: Stanford GSB

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of Liverpool

Undergrad Major: Engineering

GPA: 1st class (UK scoring)

GMAT: 720

Age: 24,  Ethnicity: Black or African American

Other Degree/Certification: Masters in Clean Energy

School Name: Oxbridge

Extracurriculars: Heavily involved in national stem competition sponsored by my company in the UK (I organized a regional tournament). Also part of a video interview series for a different stem organization in the US. Was a Mentor and ambassador at both universities. Leadership position in sports club at university.

Work History:

Title: Renewable Developer

Industry: Engineering

Company: Global

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 1 mos

Title: Management accountant

Industry: Engineering

Company: Global

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 9 mos

Big Life Wins:

– 2 promotions this year. One in accounting and another to my current role. Youngest person to be hired into my department and successful despite not having most of the requirements.
– Successfully mentored other employees into new roles.
– Great engagement with my stem volunteering activities.

Post MBA Goal:

– Short term Leadership position within clean energy at my company.
– Long term leadership position within my company to better influence the direction of future work as well as the outreach and hiring policies.
– Leadership role within STEM company that aligns with my passions or start my own.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 25%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 25%

    For someone who is just 24 years of age, you have a lot going for you. Two degrees, including a master’s from Oxbridge, and nearly three years in jobs with two promotions in the past year. Your 720 GMAT rings the bell at your targeted schools and your first class at Liverpool in engineering, no less, is also impressive. Stanford may want a bit more work experience but all of this depends on how convinciging your essays and your recommendations will be. Based on what little you wrote here to describe yourself, I am betting that you will present very well and will have strong recs given your two promotions. So my odds are based on those assumptions. As you know, Stanford is hard, the …

    1 year ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 10%

  • 1
  • 20% | 1 year ago

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