The Twittering B-School Profs

Videos of the Week


How To Get Into Wharton

How to Get Into NYU Stern

One Liners:


Applying to Business School…Without a Business Background

Source: The Daily Muse

Should You Take the GMAT or the GRE?

Source: MBA Game Plan

The Top 12 TV Shows For MBAs (Where is Breaking Bad? Great lessons in entrepreneurship!)

Source: MBA Focus

What is Harvard Seeking and How Do You Get In?

Source: MBA Prep School

MBA Orientation Takes a Turn To The Innovative

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek

Want To Be An Entrepreneur? Then Get Your MBA (Really)

Source: CEO Golf

Where Did University of Texas MBA Candidates Intern This Summer?

Source: University of Texas


MBA Humor:


Why Is The Office Staff Tired?


Ever wonder why office staff are always dead tired by the end of the day and companies require no further physical fitness programmes for their employees ??? REASONS BEING… Everyone gets enough exercise:

Jumping to conclusion

Beating around the bush

Running down the boss

Going around the circles

Dragging their feet

Passing the buck

Climbing the ladder

Wading through paperwork

Pulling strings

Throwing their weight around

Stretching the truth

Bending the rules, and

Pushing their luck

No wonder they are all tired at the end of a working day!!!!


Tweet of the Week:


Denise Brunsdon @Brunsdon13m

I’m reminded I’m in business school when the prof starts making fun of “leftists” and everyone turns to look at me. #CentristWorldProblems