Meet Vanderbilt Owen’s MBA Class of 2019

Moheb Abdelmaseeh 

Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management 

Describe yourself in 15 words or less: A diligent Individual, who strongly believes that success has much more to do with perseverance than it does with a person’s innate qualities.

Hometown: Assuit, Asyut, Egypt

Fun Fact About Yourself:  I have always want to be a movie director, and I took some initiative directing some armature short films and theatrical plays during college. Maybe one day I will take a stab at it again!

Undergraduate School and Major:  New Jersey Institute of Technology, Architecture

Employers and Job Titles Since Graduation:  

Galileo Global Advisors – Investment Banking Analyst

G.C. Andersen Partners – Investment Banking Analyst

Methuselah Advisors – Investment Banking Intern

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far:   Being able to transfer my background in architecture, which is an artistry approach to engineering, to the investment banking Industry.

Looking back on your experience, what one piece of advice would you give to future business school applicants?  Prudence, decisiveness, and diligence.

Prudence:  Make sure that you have taken your time and you are a ready career-wise to join a business school.

Decisiveness: Have a good idea of what you would like to do post-MBA.

Diligence: Make sure that you do your best, from selecting the MBA programs that are right for you, to putting your best efforts into your admissions applications.

What was the key factor that led you to choose this program for your full-time MBA and why was it so important to you? The tight-knit community. Owen feels like one big family, which is not only important during the two MBA years, but also for post-MBA long-term career goals.  It’s among us, the new family members, where we will be tapping each other in the future for advice, co-investing, joining ventures, etc. That is extremely hard to accomplish unless you complete your MBA program in a community like Owen!

What would success look like to you after your first year of business school?  Having a full-time placement at a private equity firm or a prestigious investment bank, and better position myself for my long-term career goals.

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