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How To Use Social Media To Your Advantage In Applications

Social media is often seen negatively when it comes to b-school admissions.

But experts say that there are elements of social media that may actually help you in admissions.

Clear Admit recently published an article discussing how applicants can better position themselves to use social media as a positive asset to their application.


The professional social networking platform, LinkedIn, is possibly one of the best ways to gain awareness through social media for admissions.

Julie Barefoot, the associate dean of MBA admissions at Emory Goizueta, says admissions officers at Emory Goizueta tend to review applicants’ LinkedIn profiles.

“I recommend that applicants make sure their LinkedIn profiles are as complete and up-to-date as possible,” Barefoot tells Clear Admit. “On occasion, an applicant will have a very sparse LinkedIn profile (no photo and the bare minimum of education and career details) and that’s unimpressive. MBA applicants should view LinkedIn as a virtual resume and make sure that their profile is accurate and complete.”

Cecile Matthews, Director Of Admissions Consulting at Veritas Prep, recommends applicants to use LinkedIn to find others who currently have your “target position,” or dream job.

“Find what it would take to transition into such a field,” Matthews says. “Ideally, speak with hiring managers in the field as well, and learn whether an MBA would be the best way to achieve this transition.”

In doing this type of networking, Matthews says, applicants can also mention in their application that they’ve clearly and concretely demonstrated that their goals are well-researched.

Learning More About An Applicant

Social media can certainly be helpful admissions officers learn more about you and your goals.

“Social media is a good way for schools to get to know applicants outside of the formal admissions process,” Rodrigo Malta, the director of admissions for the MBA program at the McCombs School of Business, tells Clear Admit. “I believe prospective students should see social media as an asset in the application process and thoughtfully leverage opportunities for engagement with the programs they are considering for an MBA.”

Judi Byers, the executive director of admissions & financial aid at Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management, says social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can also help paint a picture of your interests and perspectives as an individual.

“This is important as it provides further context related to how you might fit with our community,” Byers tells Clear Admit. “Connecting on these platforms provides a way to share relevant information, and more importantly, connect you to our students and alumni who are also using social media to share their experiences as well as the amazing things they’ve been able to accomplish.”

However, it’s also important to note that not all social media activity is welcome.

“My advice to applicants is that you should review your social media postings with an ‘eye’ to determine if you’d want an admissions director or a recruiter to look at it—is there anything that would show you in a bad light? Is there anything that would embarrass you? Is there anything that you feel you would need to defend or explain?” Barefoot tells Clear Admit. “If so, you should remove those inappropriate posts or photographs and/or consider changing your social media settings to private.”

Sources: Clear Admit, Poets & Quants




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