World’s Best Case Writers, Teachers Named In 30th Annual Awards

Urs Mueller, winner of Outstanding Case Teacher at this year’s Case Centre Awards. Courtesy photo

Outstanding Contribution to the Case Method: Caren Scheepers of the Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria (GIBS Business School). 

Outstanding Case Writer: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Steven Sweldens, Stefano Puntoni, Niela Kleinsmith, Tao Yue) and TomTom Automotive (Matthieu Campion)

Outstanding Case Writer: Hot Topic: INSEAD, ‘Diversity and Discrimination,’ authors Zoe Kinias and Felicia A Henderson

Outstanding New Case Writer: Alexander Korchagin, Moscow State University and Vera Cherepanova, Studio Etica

Outstanding Case Teacher: Urs Mueller, SDA Bocconi School of Management

Overall winner: Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan and Anna Johnston, London Business School

Economics, Politics and Business Environment:Trump Says the WTO is a Disaster Peter Debaere, Darden School of Business

Entrepreneurship: Boost M6700 (A) & (B): Buyer-Seller Negotiation Horacio Falcão and Heather Grover, INSEAD and Kriti Jain, IE Business School

Ethics and Social Responsibility: TOMS Shoes: The Buy-one-give-one Social Enterprise Business Model Natascha Radclyffe-Thomas and Ana Roncha, London College of Fashion

Finance, Accounting and Control: Snap Inc’s IPO (A) Marco Di Maggio, Harvard Business School

Human Resource Management / Organisational Behaviour: Pushing the Right Buttons: Global Talent Management at KONE Corporation Adam Smale, University of Vaasa, Ingmar Björkman and Johanna Saarinen, Aalto University School of Business

Knowledge, Information and Communication Systems Management: Big Data Strategy of Procter & Gamble: Turning Big Data into Big Value Debapratim Purkayastha and Vinod Babu Koti, ICFAI Business School (IBS)

Marketing: Predicting Consumer Tastes with Big Data at Gap Ayelet Israeli and Jill Avery, Harvard Business School

Production and Operations Management: Apple and Conflict Minerals: Ethical Sourcing for Sustainability Debapratim Purkayastha and Adapa Srinivasa Rao, ICFAI Business School (IBS)

Strategy and General Management: The Marvel Way: Restoring a Blue Ocean W Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne and Michael Olenick, INSEAD

Free Case: Tesla Motors Business Model Configuration; Case Study Update; from Tesla Motors to Tesla Erwin Hettich and Günter Müller-Stewens, University of St. Gallen

Case Centre