Meet Queen’s University’s Smith MBA Class Of 2021

Angela McDonald Bazaz

Smith School of Business, Queen’s University

“Hardworking and compassionate team player who is eager to make a difference.”

Hometown: Beaverton, Ontario

Fun Fact About Yourself: I have played curling for about 25 years. I love that the sport can be enjoyed at a community level amongst friends or by world-class athletes and anyone in between!

Undergraduate School and Major: University of Guelph, Biomedical Science; University of Toronto, Medical Radiation Science

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Humber River Hospital, Medical Radiation Technologist

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: As a frontline healthcare professional, I was active in training new staff and students as well as in improving workflow and patient safety. However, my role mainly consisted of 15-30 minute interactions with patients during their medical imaging exams. My biggest accomplishment in my career so far has been the consistent feedback that I received from my patients that they felt listened to and well looked after while under my care. I find fulfillment in helping people achieve their health goals, and I am proud that I have contributed positively to many patients’ healthcare journeys.

Aside from your classmates, what was the key factor that led you to choose this program for your full-time MBA and why was it so important to you? From the moment I submitted my resume for a preliminary assessment, I was struck by the supportive culture at Smith. At each Smith event I attended, there were staff members, students, and alumni speaking with great pride in the Smith experience and community. They were all incredibly willing to give me their time to answer my questions and concerns. The key factor when choosing an MBA program was the genuine feeling that the school is invested in helping me achieve my goals. I am excited to experience the supportive environment at Smith during my studies and to one day become part of the nurturing network helping prospective students.

What club or activity are you looking most forward to in business school? There are many clubs and experiences that I look forward to during my time at Smith. I am most looking forward to participating in the Women in Leadership Club and sharing ideas and insights with my peers.

What was the most challenging question you were asked during the admissions process? Because I do not have a specific job title or employer in mind, I was dreading interview questions regarding my career goals. I was open about this with my interviewers when asked, and answered with a focus on the positive impacts that I aim to make within my community.

What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career? I initially chose a career in medical imaging because of the significance that images have on the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of conditions and diseases. After working in an x-ray department for several years, I realized that I seek more variety in my career than I have experienced in imaging. I also strive to have a role in decision-making processes, something I found I was missing as a frontline healthcare worker. I believe that it is time to seek a new challenge and feel that an MBA will complement my healthcare background to enable me to help people in a much broader scope than I currently can.

What other MBA programs did you apply to? Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario

How did you determine your fit at various schools? I attended a variety of information events while researching the schools that I was interested in, including MBA fairs, open houses, and meetings with admission advisors. I spoke with a number of current and future students when I could to discuss their experiences, goals, and opinions on different programs. Panel discussions were useful, but I found that students spoke more candidly when approached individually and offered honest advice and insights.

I researched statistics regarding students’ education, career backgrounds, and employment rates. As an applicant with a somewhat nontraditional background, I valued schools that had greater diversity in students’ career backgrounds and goals.

I also researched the teaching style that each school offers. Smith offers a unique learning experience with its team-based philosophy. I have always been team-minded, and my experience working as part of an interdisciplinary team in a busy hospital has given me a much greater respect for what teams are able to accomplish. I found that Smith offered the perfect combination of the support network, diversity, and teamwork; and those factors contributed to being a good fit for me! I am excited for the opportunity to learn from my teammates, and to share my knowledge and skills with my peers.

What was your defining moment and how did it shape who you are? I experienced many formative moments during my childhood on my family’s beef farm in Central Ontario. I developed a sense of responsibility, persistence, and patience from a young age through hands-on work under the guidance of my family and through problem-solving. Some of the most significant lessons happened following the BSE (mad cow disease) crisis that affected Canadian agriculture in 2003. International markets closed to Canadian bee, and farmers’ products and assets decreased significantly in value. This was my first realization that knowledge, experience, and planning cannot guarantee success in business. My family, friends, and neighbours had to rethink their goals and strategies in order to support themselves. I learned that versatility and creative thinking are valuable traits needed to navigate unforeseen events and bring about positive outcomes, or at least minimize poor outcomes.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? I believe that my skillset and previous experience would be an asset in hospital administration or a role within industries that support healthcare. However, I am very open to new experiences and perspectives that I will gain while earning my MBA – and expect that I will make discoveries and set new goals along the way. I strive to make an impact within my community and have a career of which I am proud!