2020 Best & Brightest MBAs: Jasmine Howard, Georgia Tech (Scheller)

Jasmine Howard

Georgia Institute of Technology’s Scheller College of Business

Always on the lookout for great marketing, great television, and great pimento cheese.

Hometown: Chattanooga, TN

Fun fact about yourself: When I was in 7th grade, my mom won an all-expenses-paid sweepstakes trip to London for a Harry Potter-themed adventure. (Not that I needed the extra reason, but I will forever love Harry Potter.)

Undergraduate School and Degree: University of Tennessee – Knoxville, Marketing and International Business (BS)

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school? Immediately prior to business school, I was an Account Manager at treetree Agency, the “Agency for Special Projects” in Columbus, Ohio. I supported our two largest clients, OhioHealth and Nationwide, to execute large scale live events and multichannel marketing campaigns.

Where did you intern during the summer of 2019? I interned within the Product Marketing team at Mailchimp in Atlanta, supporting Growth and Merchandising initiatives. For my core internship project, I evaluated the Mailchimp.com conversion experience using a qualitative and quantitative methodology and recommended a condensed acquisition strategy for the website. Thanks to the empowering atmosphere at Mailchimp and the advocacy of my manager and director, my summer activities also included conducting user interviews, solving an overdue web analytics issue, editing departmental strategy decks, mentoring undergraduate interns, and presenting my project to the entire company.

Where will you be working after graduation? I am delighted to be returning to Mailchimp as a Marketing Manager. Alongside my internship boss and cross-functional partners, I will continue to evolve the web experience through improved personalization and UX experimentation.

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:

  • Full-Time MBA Student of the Year 2019 – Selected by classmates
  • Forte Fellow – The Forte Fellows Program recognizes emerging female leaders in MBA programs around the world.
  • Head Chair, Athletic Committee – I led three committee members to manage football tailgates, intramurals, and other Georgia Tech school spirit events. This year’s football season featured seven home games, including our big Georgia Tech vs. University of Georgia rivalry game. We had 6 catering partners, 40 event volunteers, and more than 1,000 attendees at tailgates (I’ll let you estimate the cans of White Claw consumed!). I’m excited to partner with Emory University Goizueta Business School for the first-annual Atlanta MBA Olympics in celebration of our friendly crosstown rivalry.
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Scheller College Marketing & Communications and Admissions Departments – Scheller College was generous to award me a full merit-based scholarship to complete my MBA, so it’s been rewarding to give back as a Graduate Research Assistant throughout my time here. For three semesters, I served the Marketing & Communications department as the Lead GRA, coordinating efforts of five fellow students GRAs. My final semester assignment is with the Admissions Department, where I am revamping recruiter email strategy through A/B testing, modeling behavioral data using machine learning, and creating a Salesforce Path for admissions. Lastly, it has been a privilege to serve as a public voice of Scheller as the host of our student-produced Intersection Podcast and as a campus correspondent for Poets & Quants.
  • Student Interviewer and MBA Ambassador – I was invited by the MBA Admissions Committee to serve as a student interviewer and help select the Class of 2022. Additionally, I was selected for the MBA Ambassadors program to help prospective students navigate the admissions journey.
  • Planning Team, 2019 MarTech Conference – I volunteered to help faculty members and their GRAs to coordinate a half-day conference, featuring speakers from The Coca-Cola Company, The Home Depot, the Atlanta Braves, and the Atlanta Hawks. I drafted the marketing plan, designed the printed materials, coordinated registration, consulted on catering, and created planning documents that resulted in a sold-out 2019 event and replicable processes for future years.
  • Member, Technology & Communications Committee – My key projects have included RSVP process standardization for student events, migration planning for the student event calendar, and the creation of engagement tactics for the admitted student Slack workspace.
  • Peer Mentor – Organized by Scheller’s Peer Leadership Committee, I have been paired with five first-year students this year to provide support for academics, recruiting, and student life.
  • Co-founder, Whiskey Club – Each month, we focus on a different whiskey variety, sharing the history of the spirit, a curated tasting flight, and old-school and new-school cocktails.
  • Member, Marketing Club, Technology Management Club, Women in Business Club, and Business Analytics Club – As an active member of these clubs, I serve as an event volunteer as needed and consult with club leadership on communication and event best practices.

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school? The community at Scheller is very important to me, so I am most proud of my efforts to enhance the sense of belonging among classmates, alumni, and prospective students. I applied to our MBA Ambassadors program to help ease the transition of new students into business school, and I chose the Athletics Committee as my primary campus leadership role to connect current students with alumni through shared traditions and school spirit. In general, I like to greet classmates in our Grad Commons lounge and in class, get to know everyone, and influence various committees and clubs to incorporate inclusive practices in their events. I strongly believe that feeling comfortable and confident in our community helps everyone make their own unique impact within our MBA program.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? In October 2017, I worked on a series of events focused on the opioid crisis in southeastern Ohio. My client was a major health care provider for the area, and we brought a nationally-acclaimed author to speak to various audiences affected by the epidemic. I later found out that the event series was recognized at the highest level of my client’s organization, and I’m thrilled that our team deservedly received a prestigious award for their stewardship of the company’s values.

Who was your favorite MBA professor? My favorite MBA professor was Sam Bond, whose Consumer Behavior class I took last spring. Professor Bond’s course perfectly blended classic behavioral economics, social psychology with modern applications, and research methodology, which was all elevated by his enthusiasm and attention to course design. His class was essential to my internship success at Mailchimp, as my project relied on effectively designing research plans and using behavioral insight to develop recommendations.

Why did you choose this business school? In addition to the inclusive community, forward-thinking curriculum, and exceptional career outcomes, I chose Scheller College for its location in midtown Atlanta. The Georgia Tech campus buzzes with energy thanks to its proximity to major companies and exciting startups in the city. I knew that by attending Scheller College, I would not only benefit from companies easily and frequently coming to campus, but I would also have convenient access to seek out networking opportunities on my own. Our business campus is surrounded by delicious restaurants and most of my cohort live within the immediate campus area. There’s always something going on!

What is your best advice to an applicant hoping to get into your school’s MBA program? Be yourself but be prepared. Throughout the admissions process, we truly want to know you, your interests, and your goals, so we can advise you on the best path forward. The best way to be yourself is to know yourself, so I always advise prospects to dedicate time to introspection. If you know what you want out of a program and are ready to commit to the rigors of a Full-time MBA, then you’ll maximize your chances of admission and satisfaction as a student.

What is the biggest myth about your school? I don’t think there is a prevailing myth about Scheller, but I do think we have a solid reputation for expertise in technology and analytics. I found that reputation holds true! We have a fantastic core class that combines digital strategy, analytics, and IT management, and it sets all Scheller MBAs up for success in later elective courses and internships no matter their specialty or focus area.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? Derek Brown. Derek is a Major in the U.S. Army, a father of three, a leader within his family business, and a kind and thoughtful classmate. I deeply admire people who take their commitments seriously, and he is an excellent example of the discipline required to balance multiple priorities. With an infant and an hour-long commute to class each day, he has the most valid excuses for any of us to not be dedicated to coursework, yet he consistently shows up on time to class and prepared for team meetings.

Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? My success in business school can be attributed to my family, friends, and previous teachers and managers who supported me throughout my education and early career. However, it’s my mother’s encouragement that stands out the most. Whenever I was stumped or frustrated by something growing up, she would tell me, “You can do hard things!” It sounds simple, but the reinforcement that I could be resilient, creative, resourceful problem-solver has served me very well in business.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list? Someday, somehow, I want to win an Emmy! I can’t act or write or anything, but I discovered there are special business Emmys. It would be incredible to make enough of a difference to the business of television to be rewarded with its top prize.

My other (equally silly, yet very serious) item would be picking the brain of Jimmy Buffett. I may be a biased born-and-raised Parrothead, but I truly think he was one of the first successful masters of the celebrity brand extension phenomenon we see today. Turning a single genreless hit song into an empire is no easy marketing feat.

In one sentence, how would you like your peers to remember you? My friend and classmate Evan tells me I’m “fun and competent,” which is a pretty solid combo in my book!

Hobbies? I love watching television, reading about television, and talking about television. It’s a thrilling time to be a TV fan, with new content networks and storytellers sprouting up almost daily. I’m also an avid home cook, crafter, and dancer.

What made Jasmine such an invaluable member of the Class o 2020?

“Jasmine is the kind of student that professors treasure. In my classroom, she was always well-prepared, highly engaged, and excited to contribute. Her willingness to “take a stab” at difficult problems, share creative examples, and ask insightful questions enriched the learning experience for everyone. Outside of class, she was eager to learn more about topics that excited her most, and during her subsequent internship, she passed along enthusiastic updates about how she was applying class principles directly to her projects. Jasmine has always been remarkably active in service and extracurricular activities, and I have seen first-hand how her selflessness, attention to detail, and genuine enthusiasm have contributed to the cohesive, collaborative experience that is so unique at Scheller.”

Samuel Bond 
Associate Professor, Area Coordinator of Marketing 

“Having worked closely with Jasmine for almost two years, I feel qualified and honored to write this message of support. When the Admissions Committee met with Jasmine during the interview process, we knew immediately she was a top candidate who would make a terrific Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) for our internal marketing team. After learning she was moving to Atlanta early, we convinced her to start working with us that summer. From day one, Jasmine dedicated herself to helping us promote and advance the program. Through her involvement as a GRA, Jasmine has contributed as a writer, editor, and contributor to articles, podcasts, and print pieces that help tell the Scheller story using students’ voices. Not only is Jasmine skilled at identifying opportunities and innovations, she then takes it upon herself to provide solutions and assistance to help realize those opportunities. A terrific example of this initiative is Jasmine’s idea to help our recruiting team revamp our email outreach strategy. Her efforts will leave a lasting impression on our organization.

Additionally, Jasmine has made an impact on her classmates and to future Scheller MBAs. She cares about her peers and her efforts have helped create a close-knit student body. Jasmine is the consummate community-builder and is committed to ensuring each person feels like they belong. A classmate wrote, “If anyone needs help planning an important event or communicating something to our fellow students, they always know they can turn to Jasmine for help. There is no one else in the class of 2020 who exemplifies what it means to be a Scheller MBA student more than Jasmine Howard. She excels in the classroom across all subjects, makes insightful and valuable contributions to every class discussion, and plays an instrumental part in every team project of which she is a member.

The results of Jasmine’s efforts can be seen in the tailgates she has led, the music trivia night she planned, the MarTech conference she helped spearhead, and in the peer mentoring she does. In addition to being a member of several clubs, Jasmine also is a Scheller MBA Ambassador, making herself available for recruiting prospective students through tours, information sessions, and interviews. When Jasmine leaves Scheller in May to join Mailchimp as a marketing manager, she will leave it better than she found it. While we will miss Jasmine’s dedication and enthusiasm for the program tremendously, I anticipate we will see those same factors as a dedicated alumna.”

Katie Lloyd  
Assistant Dean
MBA Programs