The Worst Parts Of The MBA…From MBAs

3 Tips For Getting Into Business School

It takes more than just strong grades and exams to get into B-school.

Stacy Blackman, who leads Stacy Blackman Consulting, recently had her team of experts highlight a few tips on what it takes to get into B-school – beyond just grades and exams.


Admissions officers like applicants who have done their research on a program.

“Demonstrating a deep knowledge of the MBA programs is extremely important,” Blackman writes. “When relaying why X MBA program is perfect for you, get specific about the classes, professors, and clubs that interest you.”


An authentic essay can be just as, if not more, powerful as strong grades and exam scores.

When it comes to essays, experts recommend, be true to yourself.

“Your essays should paint a clear picture of who you are, what motivates you, and what you are passionate about,” Scott Edinburgh, Founder Of Personal MBA Coach, writes for P&Q. “Do not feel compelled to show how you fit the mold that seemingly makes up the “ideal” candidate. If you have no desire to run a non-profit, that is ok. If you are not motivated by improving the environment, do not pretend you are. Readers will see right through this and you could end up doing more harm than good.”

“Your job is to know yourself and seek out schools where you can see yourself thriving,” Meg, of Stacy Blackman Consulting, writes. “As much as this process can feel one-sided, the reality is that you should be vetting them as much as they’re vetting you.”


Your recommenders will help admissions officers understand who you are from another perspective.

Thus, it’s critical to select recommenders who actually know you rather than focusing on a recommender’s title.

“Make sure they know what you believe your weaknesses are,” Blackman writes. “Also, be direct about asking them to highlight examples of your leadership, promotability, and collaborative nature in the workplace.”

Sources: Stacy Blackman Consulting, P&Q

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