2023 MBA To Watch: Sukhreet Singh, Emory University (Goizueta)

Sukhreet Singh

Emory University, Goizueta Business School

“An ambitious go-getter who is striving to improve every day, especially his fluency in doggo.”

Hometown: Amritsar, India

Fun fact about yourself: My first hike ever was to the Everest Base Camp.

Undergraduate School and Degree: University of Delhi, Bachelor of Commerce (Honors)

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school? Founder and Managing Director, Sehat Pharmacy

Where did you intern during the summer of 2022? As a TMT Strategy Consultant at inCode Consulting, a unit of Ericsson, based out of Plano, TX

Where will you be working after graduation? Ecolab, Financial Analysis Manager

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:

  • VP of International Students, Goizueta Business Association
  • Treasurer, South Asian Student Association (SASA)
  • Delta Leadership Coaching Fellow
  • Judge, Emory Entrepreneurship Summit
  • Admissions Ambassador

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school? In my roles as Vice President of International Students and Board Member of South Asian Student Association, I strived to build a broader network for the MBA cohort by organizing cultural events such as Diwali and Holi at a graduate level within Emory University instead of just focusing on the business school. The true value of an MBA lies not only in the education one receives but also in the network and relationships one builds that last a lifetime, Hence, I wanted to play my part in enhancing the community experience. As there was no precedent of such an initiative before, all preparations were done from scratch without a template, including understanding University policies, local laws, and handling logistics by reaching out to multiple stakeholders. However, despite the hurdles, I was able to bring this plan to fruition (all thanks to the amazing team), and I’m extremely proud of the fact that this legacy will be continued by graduate schools across Emory moving forward as well!

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? I founded Sehat Pharmacy, a bootstrapped startup, with the intention to serve people in marginalized communities and provide them with genuine medicines and healthcare products at affordable prices. Fortunately, I was able to grow it to three locations within a short span of time (a proud moment for sure). But perhaps, the proudest moment for me was when my pharmacies were selected by the state government under a pilot program to facilitate supply of essential drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. During those turbulent months, while working without masks, PPE kits, or sanitizers, I ensured that there was no shortage of drugs by redesigning the entire inventory management process and also worked closely with police, administration, and healthcare departments to assist them in solving challenges associated with minimizing human contact to reduce transmission.

Why did you choose this business school? There are many reasons why I chose Goizueta Business School, but the most important ones were its small class size, focus on building community, and location. Though every school tries to foster a vibrant community, what truly differentiates Goizueta is its tight-knit community. While deciding to pursue my MBA, I realized that transitioning back to the corporate world from an entrepreneurial role would be challenging. I wanted to make sure that I had all available resources needed to do that. Goizueta has provided me with everything and more. The Career Management Center, professors, and my peers were always available to assist me in any capacity.

Who was your favorite MBA professor? My favorite professor is Klaas Baks. He is a professor par excellence who shares thought-provoking insights into the world of entrepreneurship, private equity, and investing in general. He is not your typical professor who solely emphasizes on acquiring technical skills through theoretical knowledge. Rather, he focuses on imparting life skills too. As a private equity investor himself, he shares his learnings from live deals and makes classes even more engaging. He is genuinely passionate about guiding students and despite a hectic schedule, ensuring he is readily available for you. Learning from him has indeed shaped my thought process, and I feel better equipped for the future.

What was your favorite course as an MBA? Entrepreneurial Private Equity. Being an entrepreneur, I was already inclined to take this course but it was also highly recommended by second-year students as well – and for good reason! It turned out to be an eye-opener! Professor Klaas Baks and Dr. David Panton were exceptional in explaining why closely-held businesses (such as mine) are great acquisition targets – and also explain the kind of mistakes that are made by them (essentially me). The course taught me to think smartly about fiscal prudence, deals,  and how different value-creation drivers affect the profitability and value of a business. The key takeaway for me was that the fundamental growth levers of private equity can be adopted by any business, and they are not specific to private equity itself. Professor Baks and Dr. Panton not only taught us how to utilize money to maximize returns, but also shared tips on raising cash for your ventures! The speakers included C-suite leaders of top global private equity firms, accomplished serial entrepreneurs, including our own Goizueta alumni.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school? Among the events held across the year, the ‘International Potluck’ was my favorite one. This is a Goizueta tradition where MBA candidates volunteer to cook their hometown meals and share it with others over an evening full of laughter and joy. Think of bánh mì, chicken tikka, empandas, zha jiang mian, buckeye, sushi, and cheesecakes – all under one roof – and add the zing of an amazing cohort. It’s indeed a recipe for an unforgettable night! This student-led tradition stood out for me because the emphasis was to learn about different cultures through food. Moreover, it showcased how everyone is involved in building the community and makes an active effort to strengthen the global cultural experience.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why? If I could turn back time and redo my MBA again (which I really want to!), I would perhaps be a little more proactive in reaching out to my peers for assistance in the core semester instead of figuring out everything by myself. Coming from India, acclimating to a new culture was challenging for me and initially. I was hesitant to approach others to seek help. Doing so would have enabled me to better balance academics, internship recruiting, and social life. Eventually, I realized that everyone around me was extremely understanding, supportive, and would go out of their way to help me. Ever since, this supportive environment has only grown around me and motivated me to become the best version of myself.

What is the biggest myth about your school? That the school is good for recruiting in Atlanta or the Southeast only. This could not be any further from the truth. Take my example, I interned at a role based out of Texas and am heading to Minneapolis for a full-time role! Besides me, there are so many of my friends who have decided to head to NYC, Chicago, San Francisco and other locations across the U.S., and even internationally.

What surprised you the most about business school? The focus on collaboration and supporting each other was simply phenomenal, as was evidenced during the internship recruitments. While it is natural to expect everyone to focus on their recruitment first, I was amazed to see that my peers would go out of their way to help others with interviews, even while preparing for the same interview! We did not treat each other as competitors, and instead focused on making sure that everyone puts their best foot forward. This was truly a heart-warming gesture. Goizueta is tight-knit community. It’s not something simply listed on the website. We mean it.

What is one thing you did during the application process that gave you an edge at the school you chose? If there is one thing that really gave me an edge in the application process, it was attending sessions hosted by the admissions office and speaking with current students. This outreach allowed me to assess if Goizueta was the correct fit. At the end of the day, pursuing an MBA isn’t about getting a degree. It’s about seizing an opportunity to engage in a learning environment to progress your career on your terms. Having engaged with the school, I found it easier to write essays in the application, while being my authentic self as I resonated with the core values at Goizueta. Also, having some face time with the people you will be interacting with over the next two years is never a bad move.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? Peter Danis. From working with him in the core semester to seeing him take on-campus and off-campus initiatives, it has been an absolute joy to be around him. Peter has consistently displayed a strong work ethic, an unwavering commitment to excellence, and the ability to bring everyone together. What truly struck me was the perennial stream of positivity that he brings along wherever he goes; you will never see this guy without a smile. Apart from having a warm personality, he goes above-and-beyond to help everyone. Moreover, Peter has been an invaluable contributor in the classroom. His curiosity on quite literally every topic elevated the classroom discussions to a different level, and everyone is always vying to be on his team! Be like Peter!

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

1. To be in the C-suite of a Fortune 500 company and drive the company culture.

2. Work on projects that drive an impactful positive change and are intellectually stimulating at the same time.

What made Sukhreet such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2023?

“Prior to business school, Sukhreet was an entrepreneur and Ironman triathlete, and he brings this adventurous energy to Goizueta every day. He understands the value of bringing cultures together, serving as the VP of International Students. During his time at Goizueta, Sukhreet planned numerous events, including the annual International Potluck, and pioneered a new tradition in the graduate school-wide Holi party. He is a true friend to all in the program and is always ready to help. Sukhreet has been an invaluable part of the cohort, and his contributions to our school and community are much appreciated.”

Vernon Smith
Senior Associate Director of Student Life & Engagement
Emory University’s Goizueta Business School