P&Q’s Must Reads: Ranking: World’s Best MBA Programs for Entrepreneurship

Hello everyone  — Welcome back to Poets&Quants’ Must Reads, a quick, digestible recap of the top business school news, sponsored by CentreCourt, P&Q’s virtual admission events.

I’m your host, Kristy Bleizeffer, and I’ll be highlighting the most important P&Q stories you might have missed. So, let’s get to it. 

No. 1: Ranking: World’s Best MBA Programs for Entrepreneurship

For the fifth year in a row, Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis has finished No. 1 in Poets&Quants’ ranking of the World’s Best MBA Programs for Entrepreneurship. 

In fact, Olin has topped the list every year we’ve done the ranking, starting with our 2020 issue.

Our annual ranking of MBA entrepreneurship programs dropped this week. As part of the package, we published how every school scored in each of our 16 metrics. Our methodology is designed to measure how resources are allocated to individual students, and each of the schools in the ranking are entrepreneurial gems.

We invite you to take a seat with this package and pour over the data. It is featured now on our homepage.

No. 2: The U.S. B-Schools With The Most Indian & Chinese Students

By at least one key measure, higher education in the U.S. is thriving: It is still the preferred destination of a huge and growing population of young people around the world who hope to climb the socioeconomic ladder to a better life.

U.S. State Department data show that U.S. colleges have largely rebounded from the Covid enrollment slump: In the first nine months of 2023, the U.S. issued over 372,000 F-1 student visas, compared with 335,000 for the same period of 2022. That’s 11% growth. According to MPOWER Financing, a leading international student loan lender, the U.S. is on track to issue over 460,000 visas during 2023.

However, The mix of students is changing rapidly away from traditional sources, like China, and toward emerging markets like West Africa. Indian students, on the other hand, are the dominant international population, topping all countries in 2023 as they did in 2022.

This story breaks down the data at all the major business schools. You can find in our trending tab.

No. 3: High & Low Healthcare MBA Salaries At The Leading U.S. B-Schools

The big three industries for MBAs have long been set — a closed club. But in certain circumstances, MBAs who venture into other industries can secure salaries that rival their colleagues in consulting, finance, and tech.

So it is with healthcare management, which has been rising as a sector destination for MBAs for years, and saw a spike in interest as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. From supply chain to operations, B-schools have found themselves in an integral role in shaping, and reshaping, the complex — and to the average observer, often lumbering and cumbersome — healthcare system. For MBAs from the leading schools, that can mean a hefty starting salary.

How hefty? Find in our breakdown of healthcare salaries at B-schools. You’ll find it in our news tab.

No. 4: Our Weekly Round Up of  News You Can Use

No matter where you are in your MBA journey, we bring several helpful stories for you this week.

First up: Bankers, Consultants & Engineers: Six Tips To Stand Out In A Sea of Excellence. Once you’re in the ring, how will you position yourself to stand out in a sea of excellence? This story, on our homepage, tells you how.

Next: Breaking Into Renewable Energy With An MBA. This story with advice on breaking into th energy sector is now on our homepage. 

Finally: 4 Must-Knows About Your HBS Interview

This story from Gatehouse Admissions helps you be one of the 50% of interviewed candidates to actually become an Harvard MBA. You can find in our admission hub.

And, that’s it for this week’s Must Reads recap. 

I also want to alert school seekers to our upcoming online MBA admissions event. You’ll hear from alumni and career experts from leading business schools about how the MBA can fast-track your career. Our next event is Nov. 7-8, and you can register now for free.

Again, I’m Kristy Bleizeffer, and you can join me next week, right here, for a recap of what’s important in the world of business education. Thanks for listening and, as always, stay informed!