Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Brianna Dacey, Vanderbilt University (Owen)

Brianna Dacey

Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management

“An eternal optimist who always remembers life is never too serious; it’s okay to have some fun.”

Hometown: Ocean Grove, New Jersey

Fun Fact About Yourself: I have a blackbelt in Karate.

Undergraduate School and Major: Lafayette College, Economics & International Affairs

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Wilmington Trust, Associate Private Banker

What has been your favorite part of Nashville so far? Why? The live music! I love going to see wildly talented people sing their hearts out.

Aside from your classmates and location, what was the key part of Vanderbilt Owen’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? I really wanted to join a program that had high expectations for collaboration. I wanted to learn from my classmates, and listen to their perspectives and experiences before coming to business school.

What course, club or activity have you enjoyed the most so far at Vanderbilt Owen? Women’s Business Association – these are incredible women who have been so welcoming and wonderful to me.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: Successfully managing a team of 13 women in a retail bank branch to exceed sales goals for 2019.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far? Making the best friends I could have ever imagined.

What has been your best memory as an MBA so far? Every single Closing Bell. I love being with my classmates, they are incredible people and any time I can spend with them is always the best time.