Meet the MBA Class of 2024: Adam Hegedus, University of Oxford (Saïd)

Adam Hegedus

University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School

“I believe in the transformative power of education.”

Hometown: Sydney, Australia

Fun Fact About Yourself: I am hoping to become a certified polyglot – and to this end, I attend a one hour language class every day (in a different language).

Undergraduate School and Major: UNSW Sydney, Bachelor of Commerce (Co-Op), University of Sydney (Honours in Work & Organisational Studies)

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Managing Director of Educating The Future

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of Oxford Saïd’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? I choose  for two main reasons. The first being that Saïd Business School encouraged me to complete a 1+1 degree, where I completed the Master of Public Policy, bringing in my perspective to the classroom. The second, it’s focus on impact – via electives and wide integration of ethics into content.

What course, club, or activity has been your favorite part of the Oxford Saïd MBA experience? A course called Global Rules of the Game. Coming fresh from a Master of Public Policy degree really helped me lean into the concepts and application of the challenge at hand.

What is the most “Oxford” thing you have done so far as a full-time MBA student? While Oxford might be perceived as a city of spires and centuries old halls, much like many students, I’d say opting for a late night takeaway dinner sitting outside the Radcliffe Camera while studying for assessments would sum what classical Oxford is to me.

Oxford is known as a place where worlds collide, be it in the classroom or the dining hall. What has been the most interesting interaction you’ve had so far as an Oxford MBA student? Definitely asking a former President what they did for their New Years in an elevator!

Describe the biggest accomplishment in your career so far: Probably the amalgamation of close to 10 years of work running Educating The Future and currently seeking further funding from the Australian Government for our work in Timor-Leste.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far: Submitting all my assessments on time! Oh, and also tackling some very new financial concepts.

What has been the biggest epiphany you’ve gained about yourself or the world since you started your MBA program? The tools that an MBA can give you through your classmates, content, and extracurriculars will be the driving force into applying myself to the field of international development.