2024 MBA To Watch: Silvia Andres, Boston College (Carroll)

Silvia Andres

Boston College, Carroll School of Management

“Loyal to values and family, honest and clear in expressing my thoughts and feelings.”

Hometown: Madrid, Spain

Fun fact about yourself: I’ve travelled to five out of the seven continents.

Undergraduate School and Degree:

University of Exeter – Biochemistry (BSc)

University of Warwick – International Business (MSc)

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school?  I worked at Cherry Advertising as an Account Manager.

Where did you intern during the summer of 2023? Thermo Fisher Scientific in Waltham (MA)

Where will you be working after graduation?  I will be working as an associate at McKinsey & Company.

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School: I volunteered working with children in Zanzibar for two weeks.

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school?  During my time in business school, the achievement I am most proud of is my involvement in volunteer activities. This experience stands out not just for the immediate impact it had on the community, but also for the profound personal growth it fostered. Volunteering allowed me to apply my academic knowledge in real-world scenarios, enhancing my understanding of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility. It also honed my leadership and team-building skills, as I coordinated projects that brought tangible benefits to underserved populations. The sense of fulfillment derived from making a difference in others’ lives reinforced my commitment to ethical business practices and underscored the importance of giving back to the community. This endeavor has not only enriched my business school experience but also shaped my personal values and career aspirations.

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? In my professional career, the achievement that fills me with the most pride is my role in mentoring two junior account executives. This experience was enlightening on many levels, as it not only allowed me to pass on valuable industry knowledge and skills, but also deeply influenced my understanding of leadership. Through the process of mentoring, I discovered my passion for guiding and developing others, shaping the type of leader I aspire to be—one that empowers, supports, and inspires their team. This realization was pivotal, steering me towards seeking roles where I can lead more people and play a significant part in their professional growth.

Why did you choose this business school? I chose Boston College for my MBA with a clear objective in mind: to pivot my career from advertising to consulting. The primary factor driving my decision was the robust and dynamic network that Boston College offers. This network, renowned for its breadth and depth across various industries including consulting, is a pivotal resource for students looking to transition into new career paths. The opportunity to connect with alumni, industry leaders, and like-minded professionals presented a direct pathway to achieving my career goals. I recognized that leveraging this network would not only facilitate introductions and opportunities in the consulting field, but also provide invaluable mentorship and guidance throughout the transition.

What was your favorite course as an MBA? My favorite course during the MBA program was Brand Management, taught by John Fisher. My fascination with brands has always been a significant part of my academic and professional interests, and this course deepened that passion further. The way John Fisher conducted the class was truly exceptional; his teaching style brought the subject matter to life, making every lesson insightful and engaging. The case studies we explored were not only interesting but also sparked rich, instructive discussions among the class, enhancing our understanding of the complexities involved in brand management. The highlight of the course was a project where we assumed the role of brand managers for Procter & Gamble. Immersing myself in this project, I dedicated countless hours to it, not out of obligation but because I genuinely loved the work. This experience was pivotal for me, as it confirmed my aspiration to pursue a career in brand management one day.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school? My favorite MBA event at business school was undoubtedly the gala we hold each year. This event was more than just a formal gathering; it was a vibrant opportunity to connect with the wider BC community, beyond the confines of my full-time MBA cohort. The gala reflected the true spirit of Boston College’s community—inclusive, diverse, and warmly welcoming. It showcased the school’s commitment to fostering strong bonds among its students, alumni, and faculty, celebrating our collective achievements and aspirations.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why? Reflecting on my journey, I wouldn’t change a single thing. Every step I’ve taken has guided me to my current position, embodying the philosophy by which I navigate life. Each choice has been a brick in the pathway leading me here. While hindsight might tempt us with “what ifs,” I believe in the value of looking forward. I am genuinely content with where I stand today. Even the moments that didn’t unfold as planned were crucial, serving as pivotal learning experiences. This approach of embracing each decision’s outcome has not only shaped me, but also reinforced my belief in the importance of progress and personal growth.

What is the biggest myth about your school? The biggest myth about Boston College often revolves around the perception of its exclusivity and the stereotype of a homogenous student body, both in terms of background and ideology. Some believe that BC is predominantly attended by students from similar socio-economic backgrounds or that it lacks diversity in thought and culture. However, this perception doesn’t hold up to the reality of the vibrant, diverse community found on campus. Boston College prides itself on a rich tapestry of students from various cultural, geographic, and socio-economic backgrounds, all contributing to a dynamic campus life. The university actively fosters an inclusive environment that values and promotes diversity in all its forms, encouraging open dialogue, mutual respect, and a broad spectrum of ideas and perspectives.

What did you love most about your business school’s town? What I love most about Boston is its striking European vibe. The city’s blend of historical charm and cultural richness created an environment that felt both familiar and excitingly different. Walking through Boston’s cobblestone streets, with its historic buildings and public gardens, I was often reminded of the intimate, community-focused essence of European cities.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? The MBA classmate I most admire is Mitchell Clark, whose unique perspective and approach to both life and work have been a source of inspiration and learning for me. Mitchell’s ability to see things from angles I hadn’t considered has broadened my understanding on a variety of topics, enriching my educational experience. Beyond his insightful viewpoints, it’s his incredible work ethic and exceptional people skills that truly set him apart. Mitchel applies these strengths not just academically, but in every aspect of his life, demonstrating a level of dedication and interpersonal adeptness that is rare. Observing him seamlessly blend diligence with genuine connectivity has taught me valuable lessons about the importance of balancing hard work with meaningful relationships. His example has motivated me to strive for excellence in all areas of my life.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

 1. Become a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for a major Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) company

2. Start my own business

What made Silvia such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2024?

“Silvia brings a rich and diverse global background to our MBA program, with a wealth of experience and perspectives spanning the biotech and marketing sectors across multiple countries. Throughout her time at BC, Silvia has consistently excelled in her classes and professional development, also serving as a source of support for her peers and actively contributing to Carroll School social and volunteer events.

She has proven to be not only diligent, proactive, and goal-oriented, but also someone that is thoughtful about how she can positively impact her peers and wider community. This way, Silvia personifies the ideal MBA student. She came to BC knowing that an MBA would be a transformational experience, and not only has she bolstered her existing professional acumen, but has also uncovered new avenues for growth and success.

As Silvia embarks on her post-MBA career at McKinsey, I have every confidence that she will continue to excel, leveraging her diverse skillset and global perspectives to make meaningful contributions to her workplace and community.”

Marilyn Eckelman
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Boston College, Carroll School of Management