2024 MBA To Watch: Izzi Gonzalez, University of Texas (McCombs)

Izzi Gonzalez

The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business

“A lifelong creative, passionate about art, music, fashion and marketing for brands that I love.”

Hometown: Alpharetta, Georgia

Fun fact about yourself: I love the thrill of the treasure hunt when searching for vintage and secondhand fashion pieces! Sourcing unique items from estate sales and thrift shops allows me to express myself through sustainable fashion.

Undergraduate School and Degree: Marketing at Texas A&M University

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school? Citi, as a CX analyst

Where did you intern during the summer of 2023? Nike in Beaverton, OR

Where will you be working after graduation? Nike, as a Marketing Vanguard Program Associate, in Beaverton, Oregon

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:

  • Consortium Member – Co-Liaison
  • Marketing Fellows – Marketing Camp VP
  • Sports, Entertainment and Media Association – Communications VP
  • Forte Fellow
  • Won 1st Place in the annual McCombs Marketing Case Challenge

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school? My proudest achievement during business school was supporting the incoming first year class of Consortium students as they prepared for and attended Consortium’s Orientation Program (also referred to as OP). Alongside my fellow co-liaisons and exec team members, we worked closely with the career management team to curate an interactive prep session series, held mock interviews, provided guidance, and answered questions in the weeks leading up to the OP conference. OP is an unparalleled opportunity for recruitment and career development, and I was motivated to pay forward the invaluable experience that OP and the Consortium community had given me. Supporting this talented group of amazing individuals was my most fulfilling experience during business school, and I’m honored that I was able to be a steward to the new class, just as past Consortium members uplifted me!

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? Looking back, my proudest professional achievement was successfully delivering my final presentation for my Nike internship. Public speaking has always been a fear I’ve actively avoided. However, knowing I was required to present for my project, I challenged myself to face the presentation head-on. I spent two weeks repeatedly practicing, soliciting feedback from my colleagues and refining my content and delivery. When presentation day arrived, I was incredibly nervous, but my preparation allowed me to speak confidently and deliver my presentation smoothly. This accomplishment was hugely rewarding on both a personal and professional level, showing that I’m capable of succeeding even when self-doubt and anxiety creep in!

Why did you choose this business school? I chose McCombs for its people. Given that the MBA is a two-year experience, I wanted to be in an environment where I could not only build genuine connections, but also be challenged to grow both personally and professionally – and McCombs offered exactly that! I’ve made lifelong friends here, and I’m so grateful for the supportive Longhorn network I’ve become a part of.

Who was your favorite MBA professor? My favorite MBA professor has been Professor Steve Brister. I took his Strategic Branding course and participated in the Marketing Fellows Practicum under his guidance. What sets Professor Brister apart is his passion and interest for the subject matter, as well as his genuine connection with his students. His real-world experience in marketing for brands like Time Warner Cable, along with his own entrepreneurial ventures, bring engaging and relevant insights to classroom discussions. His advice was invaluable as we worked on our Marketing Fellows practicum projects with real clients. With his mentorship, we were able to help a growing brand with a tight budget effectively market to college students through an on-campus activation featuring student athletes.

What was your favorite course as an MBA? My favorite MBA course has been Business and Policy in the Age of Inequality with Professor Adam Cobb. It provided eye-opening perspectives on how government policies and corporate practices have shaped income inequality in America. Professor Cobb’s interactive teaching style brought these issues to life. For example, we were tasked with constructing a household budget based on low income. Assignments like these helped to gain some perspective on the financial struggles that many families face. This course pushed me to consider how I could positively impact economic equality and empowered me as a citizen – and future business leader – to drive ethical policies and business practices for a more equitable future.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school? My favorite tradition at McCombs is the Consortium Storytelling Speaker Series. The series was started in 2019 by Consortium students to share personal life stories and experiences navigating life as a person of color in a safe and supportive environment. What I love most about this tradition is its ability to amplify diverse student voices and enabling us to connect with our peers on a personal level beyond the confines of regular classroom discussion. By fostering empathy and understanding through conversations, I believe that Storytelling reflects McCombs’ commitment to an inclusive culture where everyone belongs.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why? In hindsight, the one thing I would change is being more intentional about balancing my priorities outside of my MBA commitments. Reflecting on my MBA journey, I realize I might have overcommitted myself initially, diving headfirst into coursework and extracurriculars without the right balance. I wish I had been better about carving out quality time for my extended family and friends from undergrad in Austin alongside my hectic school schedule. In my final semester, I’m making an effort to distribute my time more evenly across all of my commitments, including self-care and hobbies. Although I wish I had been more consistent in prioritizing these aspects throughout my MBA, I’m grateful for the growth and fulfillment I’ve gained from all of my experiences at McCombs.

What is the biggest myth about your school? The biggest myth about McCombs is that the political reputation of Texas translates into a lack of diversity and open-mindedness on campus. In my experience, I believe this to be wrong. McCombs fosters a welcoming community of open-minded students through events like the student-led Storytelling tradition and courses exploring complex topics, allowing us to engage in discussions that expand our perspectives. Throughout my time here, I’ve been able to develop meaningful relationships with people from various backgrounds and walks of like, exemplifying the inclusive nature of McCombs.

What did you love most about your business school’s town? Austin is an amazing city, so narrowing down my favorite aspects was a difficult task! I love that Austin has a variety of things to do – whether it’s exploring the food scene with favorites like Loro or Marafuku, enjoying Zilker Park with my dog, or watching my favorite bands perform at Emo’s. Not only has Austin been an exciting and engaging place to pursue my MBA, but it has also become a wonderful city to call home.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? Of my many talented peers, the classmate I most admire is Victoria Holguin. As our class president, Vicky leads with empathy and kindness. Her compassion makes her an excellent listener and she works tirelessly to elevate all student voices. In class, Vicky always provides her thoughtful perspectives that contribute to meaningful discussions, and I learn new insights when collaborating with her on group projects. Above all, Vicky is simply a wonderful human being! I feel lucky to call her both a colleague and a friend. I am certain she is going to continue achieving great things as an alum, and I’m so excited to see what’s in store for her.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

1. Work with an influential individual like an athlete, artist, or musician to co-create a product line for Nike. It would be a once in a lifetime experience to collaborate with a cultural icon and help blend their creative vision with Nike’s innovation!

2. Gain hands-on creative experience on a marketing campaign. For example, I’d love to be on site for a photoshoot and work side-by-side with talent, photographers, and the creative team to bring a campaign to life visually.

What made Izzi such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2024?

“Izzi Gonzalez is a force. In additional to her creative and “legendary slide decks”, Izzi brings energy, dedication, and a touch of charm to everything she does. As a leader within the Marketing Fellows, Consortium, the Sports, Entertainment& Media Association, she’s the glue that holds teams together and the spark that ignites creativity.

Izzi is the kind of person you can always count on, whether you need a shoulder to lean on or a teammate to tackle a challenging project. She is enthusiastic, dedicated and always puts her best foot forward in the classroom. Izzi was one of a handful of students nationwide to be given the opportunity to join Nike’s Marketing Vanguard graduate internship for the summer, which is an extremely competitive internship to land. She will be returning full-time to Nike.

Professor Steve Brister shares, “Izzi possesses a unique combination of traits that sets her apart as a standout individual. Her attention to detail, innate sweetness, and charismatic demeanor make her a joy to work with and a natural leader. Nike did an excellent job by hiring her!”

Fellow classmates say, “Her slide decks are legendary. She can both create visually appealing and engaging content but then tell a compelling and cohesive story that jives with the content. She always puts her best foot forward in the classroom. As a fellow member of the Class of 2024, I have had the pleasure of witnessing Izzi’s remarkable contributions and unwavering dedication to both academic excellence and extracurricular pursuits.” And, “I have witnessed firsthand that several 1Y and 2Y students alike went to Izzi for internship or general career advice because her own success and willingness to help.”

Izzi Gonzalez’s passion, positivity, and unwavering commitment to excellence make her an exemplary contributor to our McCombs Community and a deserving nominee for this prestigious accolade.”

Tina Mabley
Assistant Dean, Fulltime MBA Program
McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin