2024 MBA To Watch: Kevin A. Campbell, University of Florida (Warrington)

Kevin A. Campbell

The University of Florida, Warrington College of Business

“Eccentric, caring, and open.”

Hometown: West Palm Beach, FL

Fun fact about yourself: I used to dance ballet professionally.

Undergraduate School and Degree: Florida Atlantic University, B.A. Philosophy

Where was the last place you worked before enrolling in business school? Striano Financial Group, Financial Advisor

Where did you intern during the summer of 2023? Bain and Company, Summer Associate

Where will you be working after graduation? Bain and Company, Consultant

Community Work and Leadership Roles in Business School:

Graduate Career and Peer Mentor (GCAP) – Consulting Lead

UF Case Competition Team

Best of the Belgians (Ballet Fundraiser) – Team Lead

Which academic or extracurricular achievement are you most proud of during business school? I am the proudest of winning 1st place in the NAPE Case Competition hosted by TCU, as it truly represented a full year of hard work of case comps that the team did not place as highly in. It was also nice to go into Texas as a Florida school and excel in an upstream oil and gas case competition!

What achievement are you most proud of in your professional career? Starting the tutoring company I ran for 8 years. At 14, I needed to find a way to help supplement my family’s income. Being that we were still feeling the aftershocks of the ’08 crisis, traditional jobs one can have at 14 were scarce. As a result, I decided to combine my teaching abilities and math aptitude to create a tutoring company that ended up growing into much more than the one person show it started as.

Why did you choose this business school? The largest draw for me for the program was our incredible Business career services department. I met BCS director Carly Escue in my admissions process and I was immediately sold. She told me that my goals were going to be challenging, but we could achieve them together and I fully believed her (and we did indeed accomplish them). It also did not hurt that my lovely partner Brida, is finishing up her degree in Aerospace Engineering here!

Who was your favorite MBA professor? Dr. Michael Ryngaert is an inspirational, kind, deeply knowledgeable, and most importantly funny professor. I will never forget (or take for granted) our long-winded talks about company valuation in his office and his guidance of my assumptions across the numerous models that I have built in the program. He always has time for his students.

What was your favorite course as an MBA? James Parino’s Mergers and Acquisitions class was my favorite course I have taken in the program. Parino is a career investment banker who brings an attitude to the classroom that feels like it came from the boardroom. In class, it never feels like intellectual exercises; it truly feels as if we are doing the work of a merger or acquisition. I loved the case-based, and experiential teaching style he uses.

What was your favorite MBA event or tradition at your business school? As an avid “case comp-er”, I think it has to be the internal case competition, in which every MBA student is staffed to a team of 4-5 and takes on a business strategy problem over a two-week period. I think this event reflects the competitive and collaborative nature of the UF MBA program. It is amazing to see your classmates succeed and grow throughout this process, as well as to scout out talent from the first years to potentially bring them on to external case competitions.

Looking back over your MBA experience, what is the one thing you’d do differently and why? I would have been more involved in ballet. In my previous career, I was a Professional Ballet dancer, and I am still incredibly passionate about the arts. I was even offered a position to dance with Gainesville’s local ballet company in the ballet Carmina Burana. However, I turned the offer down to focus on the MBA program because I was afraid that I would not be able to get in “ballet shape” in time (I have not danced professionally in about 5 years). While this allowed me to focus more on the program, I think it would have been a great experience. After seeing Carmina live, I did feel the tiniest bit of regret, it was an amazing show.

What is the biggest myth about your school? That we are in a suboptimal location. While UF is not in NYC or Washington, DC, we are rather close to Miami, and Atlanta, two major economic powerhouses that are experiencing rapid growth.

What surprised you the most about business school? The people. Everyone here is of such high quality both in character and in intellect. I was able to learn so much from my peers both academically and about life.

Which MBA classmate do you most admire? Coach Steffan Waters. This one goes out to you. Early on, Steffan separated himself as one of the brightest people in our cohort, but what I did not see early on is how generous he is with his time. Stef comes from a sports background and always will take the time to help students (from Undergrad to MBA) with personal projects, case competitions, and even when they need help in their personal life. He is a warm presence in a world that sometimes can be cutthroat and intense. Anyone who is near him can speak to the fact that he is a calming presence in the face of any storm.

What are the top two items on your professional bucket list?

Long-Term: I want to start a Private Equity fund that works specifically on infrastructure work (Energy and Education) in emerging markets. I am passionate about this space, and I feel that there is significant upside financially, but more importantly a massive ability to empower people.

Short-Term: I would like to learn as much as I can in consulting and build out my toolkit to add the most amount of value to the teams that I work for at Bain.

What made Kevin such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2024?

“I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Kevin Campbell, a current MBA student at the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business, He embodies the qualities of excellence, dedication, and compassion that make him an invaluable addition to his graduating class.

Throughout his time as an MBA student, Kevin has consistently demonstrated his unwavering support for his fellow graduate students. As a part-time student mentor in the Business Career Services office, he has gone above-and-beyond by offering his career assistance and guidance to both campus-based and online graduate students. In fact, it has become commonplace to see Kevin holding office hours on holidays to ensure that his peers (and especially international students) receive the support they need to succeed. His willingness to sacrifice his personal time for the benefit of others speaks volumes about his character and commitment to the success of his peers.

Kevin’s proactive, can-do attitude is truly commendable and sets him apart as a leader among his peers. Regardless of the challenges he faces, he approaches them with optimism, determination, and a willingness to learn. His resilience and positivity have inspired those around him and have contributed to a collaborative and supportive environment at Warrington. He’s demonstrated these qualities during projects including co-leading case interview training for current Warrington students, delivering data analysis utilized in reporting to the College Dean, and participating successfully in MBA-level case competitions across the country.

Moreover, Kevin’s relentless pursuit of self-improvement is evident in everything he does. Even during his admissions interview, he impressed me with his direct question about areas for improvement, demonstrating his eagerness to grow and develop as a professional. His dedication to continuous learning and self-reflection is a testament to his commitment to personal and professional growth.

Finally, what makes Kevin’s accomplishments even more impressive is the journey he has undertaken to reach this point. From a challenging past that nearly left him homeless, to entering the highly competitive world of MBB-level consulting via UF’s MBA program, Kevin’s story is a powerful example of resilience, determination, and perseverance. His success is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and unwavering belief in himself.

In conclusion, Kevin’s contributions to his graduating class, his can-do attitude, and his relentless pursuit of self-improvement make him a truly exceptional individual who is deserving of this recognition. Kevin is the type of student who will continue to excel in his future endeavors and make a positive impact wherever he goes.”

Carly Escue
Director of Graduate Business Career Services
University of Florida Warrington College of Business