Meet the MBA Class of 2026: Sophia Terrile, Georgetown University (McDonough)

Sophia Terrile

Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business

“Resourceful, driven project manager; lover of good food, books, and movies.”

Hometown: Pasadena, California

Fun Fact About Yourself: I can juggle.

Undergraduate School and Major: King’s College London; BA in International Relations

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Milken Institute, Senior Associate, Business and Program Development

What excites you most about studying in Washington, DC? I’m excited to be studying in a city that makes history daily with the presence of policymakers, international powers, and the public and private sectors. Coming from Southern California, I’m also thrilled to be in a city with good public transport!

Aside from your classmates and location, what was the key part of Georgetown McDonough’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? I chose Georgetown McDonough’s program not only because of its location in Washington, D.C., but also because of the interdisciplinary approach to business education. From focusing on the intersection of different sectors to emphasizing the importance of understanding global business, the McDonough MBA program offers curated experiences for students to expand their network and explore new opportunities and potential career pathways.

What course, club or activity excites you the most at Georgetown McDonough? I’m looking forward to joining Out@MSB and Graduate Women in Business to build my network with current MBA students and McDonough alumni. I am also excited to join Hoyas Playing Tennis to stay active!

Georgetown McDonough programming focuses heavily on instilling a global mindset. Why is exposure to global diversity so critical to business success? If your goal is to expand your business globally, you have to understand the diverse perspectives that come with international markets. Understanding the priorities, challenges, and opportunities that different regions manage enables you to connect and build stronger relationships down the line. In my previous role, I worked closely with our teams in Abu Dhabi and Singapore to understand what motivated and excited our local network in order to engage them through our regional summits.

Looking at your recruitment, what was the moment when you realized Georgetown McDonough was the right program for you? Why? As I prepared for my interview, I connected with Georgetown McDonough’s focus on an interdisciplinary “business and” education. McDonough MBA students have endless opportunities to challenge their own perspectives through the internationally-oriented program with Global Business Experiences and focus on their personal growth through Georgetown’s networking opportunities. The emphasis that McDonough places on developing the whole student, rather than just singular academic or professional elements, resonated with me as I explore potential paths to take beyond my MBA.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: In my time working for the Milken Institute, I was part of the Business Development team that continued to break fundraising records and expand the network of supporters. Leading my team through major projects for our domestic and international events for the past two years was a privilege and major accomplishment for me.

Looking ahead two years, what would make your MBA experience successful? After two years, I hope to come away from my MBA experience having shifted my career to a new industry and having built a diverse, international network.