Meet the MBA Class of 2026: Monica Moorjani, USC (Marshall)

Monica Moorjani

University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business

“Conscientious change agent, avid traveler, and global citizen, fueled by people, passion, and purpose.”

Hometown: Dublin, California

Fun Fact About Yourself: I performed a cheer and dance routine at two Golden State Warriors NBA halftime shows during high school.

Undergraduate School and Major: University of California Davis, major – Managerial Economics, minor – Education

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Client Services Manager at DPP Tech

What makes Los Angeles such a great place to earn an MBA? There is no other place like Los Angeles! This dynamic, vibrant city draws people in with its sunshine, abundant opportunities, and never-ending list of things to do (and places to eat!). As an MBA, it’s been so fun exploring LA’s neighborhoods with my classmates – whether it’s shopping at the Farmer’s Market in Brentwood, discovering museums along Wilshire Boulevard, or networking with accomplished professionals across industries, from Silicon Beach to Hollywood. LA is a trendsetter in business, culture, and technology, with the rest of the world following its lead. The city’s focus on innovation and creativity makes it the perfect host for upcoming major events like NBA All-Star 2026, FIFA World Cup 2026, Super Bowl 2027, and the 2028 Olympics (all of which I definitely won’t be missing!).

Aside from your classmates and location, what was the key part of USC Marshall’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? When choosing a business school, Marshall stood out because of its powerful Trojan Network and direct access to key industries such as entertainment, sports, technology, consulting, and finance. The program’s academic excellence is enriched by robust social experiences, empowering MBA students like me to drive meaningful change and lead the future of business. Marshall has a strong focus on entrepreneurship, supported by the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, and promotes a collaborative culture that welcomes, respects, and empowers everyone. I look forward to professional development opportunities at the Greif Center and fostering lifelong relationships through USC. Since I keep people at the heart of everything I do, I appreciate the intimate size of our diverse class (about 200 students) and the unique opportunity to truly connect with each one of my MBA colleagues.

What course, club or activity excites you the most at USC Marshall? I love that Marshall is dedicated to leadership development and social impact. Through the Marshall Leadership Fellows Program (MLFP), I am eager to enhance my leadership skills and develop into a strategic, equitable leader. Additionally, I look forward to joining Marshall Gives Back, an organization committed to philanthropy, social responsibility, and community engagement in Los Angeles.

Looking at your recruitment, what was the moment when you realized that USC Marshall was the right program for you? Why? Last fall, I attended the Marshall MBA Women’s Forum at USC, a recruitment event focused on empowering women in business. It was so special to interact with and learn from Marshall’s exceptional female faculty members, current students, and alumni. I left feeling both inspired and excited about pursuing my MBA, confident that Marshall is the perfect fit for me. Marshall encourages its students to prioritize ethical behavior, champion transformational ideas, and conduct business with integrity. Our shared values and commitment to innovation, sustainability, social impact, and global leadership aligns perfectly.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: I created and directed an international division at DPP Tech, expanding our operations to 14 countries across Australia, Asia, LATAM, Europe, and the U.K.

Looking ahead two years, what would make your MBA experience successful? At Marshall, the possibilities feel endless! With a vast array of courses, clubs, and activities, I’m ready to absorb as much knowledge and experiences as possible over the next two years. I’m particularly energized about traveling abroad with the PRIME program to gain global perspectives. Beyond evolving into a holistic business leader, I’m eager to build strong connections within the Trojan Network and actively contribute to our exceptional community. Most importantly, it’s the people – my peers, mentors, and educators – who will make my MBA experience worth it. Fight on!