Surviving the Wait Game

One of the comments on my “depression” post last week, made by JustShip, really stood out to me:

“… focus on other things.”

I’ve been so used to giving it my all, and setting tough goals for myself that I almost feel obligated to be stressed out right now.  But there’s really no reason for it.

It’s important to put things in perspective.  Yes, right now getting an MBA to further my career is the most important thing in the world.  But within the big scheme of things, my school and degree are just one piece of who I am.  And while there will be times when I’m valued solely on those factors, I know that other factors will be more important in the future, such as my skillset, my character, and the amount of social impact I have.

This week I purchased an exercise mat so I could begin my long delayed goal of completing the P90 X course.  When I first heard of P90 X, it sounded really gimmicky to me – a set of videos you do every day over the course of 90 days?  However, both on the Internet and from friends anecdotally, I’ve only heard good things about this exercise regimen.  I’ve really neglected my health during the GMAT prep and admissions processes, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get in shape before the fall.

Over the next two weeks my life and my future will change.  But that doesn’t justify wasting the present.

This post is adapted from Random Wok, a blog written by Mark Wong from Silicon Valley. You can read all of his posts at Random Wok.

Selected posts by Wong at PoetsandQuants:

Why I Want an MBA

Climbing the GMAT Mountain: 630 to 710 on a Practice Test

Do Consultants Have An Unfair Edge Over Other Applicants?

Falling Behind & Stressed Out

My New Critical Reasoning Strategy

Figuring Out My Odds of Getting Into Harvard, Stanford, Wharton

With My GMAT Classes Over, It’s Now Just Me and the Test

Making a GMAT Test Taker Feel Like A Complete Pansy

With a Month to Go Before His GMAT Test, It’s Time to Focus

Is The GMAT Really Designed To Break You?

I Took the GMAT Today and Rocked It!

Charting All My GMAT Scores Over Time With Lessons

After Scoring My 750, It’s Now All About Applying

MBA Applications Wisdom from Muhammad Ali

Facing A Gauntlet of Round Two Deadlines

Should Everyone Apply to Harvard Business School?

The Final Click Is The Hardest Click: Sending In My Application

A Punch to the Gut: Bad Reviews On His Draft Essays

MBA Essay Writing: Draining the Life Out of Me

Beginning to Realize You Can Never Write The Perfect MBA Essay

With Wharton and UCLA Apps Done, He Feels Like a Zombie

Taking Back His Life After Sacrificing Health, Time & Sanity

Slammed with Business School Spam Thanks to GMAC

Getting an Invite for An Interview from Berkeley’s Haas School

UCLA’s Anderson School Asks Our Blogger To Interview

A Ding From Harvard Business School

After a Harvard Ding, Good News in a Cryptic Email from Wharton

Another Ding: First Harvard, Now Berkeley’s Haas School Says No