How To Prep For A Google Interview

Case interviews? Brain teasers? Trick questions?

Expect them all if you want to get an MBA job at Google — and expect CEO Larry Page to sign off on every offer.

The company says it really tries to recruit interns and employees for aptitude and ability to learn and take on new challenges. In this hangout video, two Google insiders–Senior Vice President of People Operations Laszlo Bock and Sales Director Kyle Keogh–discuss Google’s MBA internship interview process. They dispense advice on how to prepare for an internship interview, what types of questions to expect and the company’s overall evaluation criteria.

They screen for four core attributes:

General cognitive ability — We screen for how well people learn, how well they acquire new skills.

Leadership ability — We look for something we call emergent leadership, someone who recognizes a leadership vacuum and steps in to fill it. They have “intellectual resilience.”

Culture fit — We want everyone to have a shared sense of curiosity, humility and a desire to have an impact in the world.

Expertise — Your experience and skill in the area you are interviewing for.

Guide To Getting An Internship At Google