The First HBS Prof To Teach A MOOC

Blast from the Past:


GPAs and GMATs: What You Need To Get In

Want to know how important your GPA and GMAT are to being admitted? According to a 2011 Kaplan Test Prep survey of admissions officers, 58% cited a low GMAT scores and 24% specified low GPAs as the chief reasons for dinging applicants. That’s right: Over 80% of admissions officers killed applications for either low GMATs or GPAs. And what about bad letters of recommendation or essays? They only accounted for 4% and 1% of rejects, respectively.

Sure, you can attend a few classes or re-take the GMAT to inch up your numbers. Generally, you are who you are. Despite your work experience, public service, and achievements, those two numbers will likely dictate where you go.

For example, you could still get into Kelley with a GMAT of 590. But you’d need a 650 – at minimum – to enter Ross. And would you believe that you could be accepted at Darden with a 3.0 GPA…but would need a 3.19 to even be considered by Kellogg?

Wondering where you stand? Click on the link below to see the average GMATs and GPAs at the top 25 schools, along with the ranges these schools accept.

Source: Poets and Quants

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Getting Into the Kellogg School of Management