The Most Expensive MBA Programs

MBA application



The decision has been made. And there’s no turning back now. Starting an executive MBA program is a big step. Now, every moment counts – at home and work.  And every decision you make will likely shortchange someone. In the end, the choice was easy. Sure, a degree is costly and time-consuming. But the bigger risk would be staying in place…and getting left behind.

Some might argue that an EMBA program can be more difficult than a full-time one. For starters, most EMBA applicants are in their mid-thirties to early forties. They hold management roles by day – and act as spouses, parents, teammates, and community leaders by night. Many already travel for work too. While most full-timers juggle academics, clubs, and careers, executive MBAs must balance their responsibilities – at work at home – with their aspirations. In the end, something is always left out.

That’s why it’s key to get into the right EMBA program. Make no mistake: The bar is high for entry. You’re competing against seasoned executives with 10-20 years of experience. Their track records are belied by their high-powered contacts. When it comes to your application, adcoms are asking: “What makes him unique?” Even more, they’re wondering, “How will his experience boost the quality of class discussions and learning?”

Dawn Z. Bournand,the associate director of the Executive MBA department at Quacquarelli Symonds,    refers to the application process as a “test of dedication, creativity, time management, eloquence and resourcefulness.” In a recent two-part series on Top MBA, she shared some research, writing, and follow up strategies to help EMBA applicants “win over” adcoms. Here are some highlights:

  • Harness Company Support: It probably goes without saying but getting your company’s support for your Executive MBA program is extremely important. Even if your employer is not willing to support your studies financially, the business school is going to want to see that your organization is at least morally supporting you through this education adventure. You will need to take time away from work and be able to leave on study trips so if your company is not behind your taking this step, it could create problems with you completing the program and this will raise a red flag to the AdCom. Therefore, be sure to get your direct supervisor’s approval before beginning the application process.”
  • Harness Company Support: It probably goes without saying but getting your company’s support for your Executive MBA program is extremely important. Even if your employer is not willing to support your studies financially, the business school is going to want to see that your organization is at least morally supporting you through this education adventure. You will need to take time away from work and be able to leave on study trips so if your company is not behind your taking this step, it could create problems with you completing the program and this will raise a red flag to the AdCom. Therefore, be sure to get your direct supervisor’s approval before beginning the application process.”
  • Do Your Market Research: In order to create the best application possible you are going to want to show the business school that you have read up on their program and that you know they are the best fit for you and you for them. Therefore, be sure to do solid market research on the Executive MBA they are offering. The AdCom will want to know why you chose their particular program and it is especially helpful for them to see that you have done your market research and found that their program came out on top. This will also allow you to come across with full confidence during the MBA admissions process and when writing and speaking about why you belong in their business school program.” 
  • Seek Out Executive MBA Alumni: To get the full inside scoop on an Executive MBA program, there is no better source than those who have already walked the path you are considering – Executive MBA alumni. Seek out Executive MBA alumni to understand the specific highs and lows of the whole experience and be sure to get their advice on the MBA application process. As Executive MBA alumni, they obviously aced the application process and can therefore give you valuable information on what to expect and how best to woo the AdCom.” 
  • Pause for Clarity Before Launching into your MBA Application Essay: Once you have gotten to know the program you are considering and some of the Executive MBA alumni, it is now time to get to know yourself a bit better. The Executive MBA application essay process is often a highly personal one. It will require you to do some deep personal analysis and question why you did certain things and chose certain paths. Before you dive into sharing the what, where and why about you, give yourself a bit of time to truly ponder the Executive MBA application essay questions that are being asked of you. This pause for clarity will assure that you write a more compelling and solid portrait of who you truly are.” 
  • Stay in touch with the AdCom: From the time you decide on the program you would like to attend to the time you turn in all portions of your application, make sure you are letting the school know you are interested and not just with your application for admission. Top programs get hundreds of applications from names the AdCom has never seen before. Let your name be one that they recognize from phone calls, follow-up emails, meeting at QS TopMBA Executive U, or even social media. It is not about being a pest but more about making it clear you want to be a part of the program they offer. In this case, flattery can get you somewhere.”

To read all 14 points in Bournand’s series, click on the links below.


Sources: Top MBA (Part 1), Top MBA (Part 2)