MBA Interviews: The Latest Tricky Questions

Yale SOM

What do you think your biggest contribution to SOM will be?

What can you contribute to the class?

What would you want to get involved in on-campus?

Tell me about a time you failed at work.

Tell us about a time when you had to maintain your calm. Describe the situation and how you handled it?

Globalization can be effective only when companies do not have to worry about health, environment, and employees”. Agree or Disagree?

Tell me something you did well or are proud of.

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Duke (Fuqua)

Tell me about a time when you got out of your comfort zone.

How do you seek feedback and how have you worked on it so far?

Under the consideration of team Fuqua, what do you think what makes a team work efficiently?

My definition of leadership.

Time I had to convince someone of something.

What Team Fuqua means to me?

Who is your role model and why?

Tell me about a time when you had a teammate, who was very quiet and feeling low in the team.

How did you handle the situation?

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University of Virginia (Darden)

How did you get interested in business to know that’s what you wanted to go into?

Tell me about a situation in which you were very different from the people you interacted with.

Tell me about a time you were a leader?

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New York University (Stern)

How will you take advantage of the resources?

Tell me about a time when something totally opposite of what you expected happened.

Tell me about a typical work day.

Why you picked your specific undergrad major?

What would current team members say they like about working with you? What is a weakness?

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Cornell (Johnson)

What alternate career will you consider in case you do not get into consulting?

Tell me about three values that you follow in your life.

What is your leadership style? Please describe a situation where you were a leader.

Did you have any conflicts during this leadership experience? If so, how did you solve them?

What is the one feature that is not mentioned in your application that you would like me to convey to the adcom?

In what company would you like to work?

What do you do in your free time?

What leisure (non-professional) clubs would you be a member of while at Johnson? Why?

What is your leadership style?

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UCLA (Anderson)

How can you contribute to Anderson’s community, and which clubs would you join?

Tell me about an innovative lasting contribution you made in your current job?

Short and Long Term Goals

Why I chose a past job.

How I address conflicts at work.

Alternate career plan?

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