How Online MBAs Rate The Degree’s Impact On Their Careers by: John A. Byrne on November 09, 2020 | 16,155 Views November 9, 2020 Copy Link Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email Share on LinkedIn Share on WhatsApp Share on Reddit How helpful is an online MBA degree to your career? That’s an important question many prospective students ask as they begin to explore the online MBA market. While it is certainly possible to leverage an online MBA into an entirely new career path, it’s more likely that an online graduate experience will lead to different career outcomes. After all, online MBA students are already employed. They haven’t quit their jobs to pursue a full-time, residential MBA program. So the most likely rewards of an online MBA will come in more upward job mobility, increased responsibility at work, promotions, and pay raises. And yes, if you do want to leave your company, it would make you a more desirable candidate for future jobs. Earning an online MBA can accelerate your career or even allow you to take your career in an entirely new direction. SURVEYING ONLINE MBA GRADUATE ON THE IMPACT THEIR ONLINE EDUCATION HAS HAD ON THEIR CAREERS SO FAR To find out which schools fulfill the expectations of their online MBA students, we surveyed 5,880 alums and received responses from 1,143 graduates for a solid response rate of 19.4% this year. Business schools are especially adept at helping students advance their career goals through career development staff that gather job openings and putting them before graduates, offering savvy advice on everything from interviewing to resume prep, and one-on-one coaching and mentoring. That’s why we attempt to measure the effectiveness of each school’s career management center, the usefulness of the alumni network in supporting graduates and whether a graduate received either a promotion or a pay raise as a direct result of earning the MBA. Our questions to graduates really get at the heart of the value of an online MBA degree. While many of the questions are quite specific, we also open the door to allow alums to tell us if the programs from which they graduated allowed them to achieve their primary and secondary goals of getting the degree. These questions recognize that students pursue an online MBA education for different reasons. THE QUESTIONS AND THE ANSWERS TO OUR ONLINE MBA SURVEY BY SCHOOL Here are the core career outcome questions we asked of graduates and how they answered: Did you gain a promotion as a result of the program? Did your salary increase as a result of the program? How would you appraise the effectiveness of the program’s career advising effort? If your program provided a coach or mentor, rate your level of satisfaction with that adviser Rate your level of satisfaction with your new network in terms of how valuable it is to you for encouragement, support, and career opportunities. To what extent did you achieve your PRIMARY reason for obtaining an online MBA? To what extent did you achieve your SECONDARY reason for obtaining an online MBA? The 2021 Poets&Quants Online MBA Rankings Package THE BEST ONLINE MBA PROGRAMS OF 2021 HOW ONLINE MBA STUDENTS RATE THEIR EXPERIENCE HOW ONLINE MBAS RATE THE IMPACT OF THE DEGREE ON THEIR CAREERS ACCEPTANCE RATES FOR THE TOP ONLINE MBA PROGRAMS AVERAGE GMAT, GRE & GPAS FOR THE 2021 TOP ONLINE MBA PROGRAMS MOST & LEAST EXPENSIVE TOP ONLINE MBA PROGRAMS OF 2021 VIDEO: DEANS’ PANEL — A CONVERSATION WITH LEADERS OF THE TOP ONLINE MBA OPTIONS PODCAST: MBA ALTERNATIVES: A BUSINESS CASUAL CONVERSATION ON THE PROS AND CONS OF MBA ALTERNATIVES FROM ONLINE MBAS TO PART-TIME MBAS AND EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAMS THE METHODOLOGY BEHIND P&Q’S 2021 ONLINE MBA RANKING Continue ReadingPage 1 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8