Meet The MBA Class of 2022: Raizel Yap, Fordham University (Gabelli)

Raizel Yap

Fordham University, Gabelli School of Business

“A conscientious, optimistic, and results-driven individual who will hop on a plane for sushi.”

Hometown: Manila, Philippines

Fun Fact About Yourself: I have this ridiculous fear of heights. Because I love travel and sports, I somehow always end up on top of some mountain, building, or a zipline!

Undergraduate School and Major: Ateneo de Manila University, AB Management Economics

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: BDO Unibank, Inc.; Team Head, Corporate Banking Credit Evaluation

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of the school’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? Fordham’s philosophy of leadership with purpose is a key part of the Gabelli MBA program for me. Given the growing interconnectedness in markets today, it is a priceless opportunity to study business guided by a holistic framework on profit generation that benefits and advances society. It offers a unique perspective for MBA students to take more responsibility for how we can impact our professional spheres of influence. For someone like myself who comes from a more traditional business environment, leading with purpose serves as a motivation and a challenge to work on becoming a more well-rounded business leader.

What has surprised you the most about the Gabelli MBA program? When they say Gabelli has a tight-knit community, they mean it. I am amazed by how approachable people have been from the students to the professors to the Dean. I’ve also been amazed by how the community tirelessly works to strengthen this bond by providing numerous opportunities for students to connect with fellow students, alumni, and school officials (among others).

What quality best describes your MBA classmates you’ve met so far and why? Supportive and diverse. I am surrounded by exceptionally smart and truly generous people who offer unique experiences, ideas, and cultural backgrounds to the cohort that only serve to continuously nurture our learning environment. It is remarkable how everyone willingly takes the extra time and effort to extend their support to whoever needs it – be it in academics, career or extracurricular activities.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: It was successfully performing work that enabled companies to execute high-impact projects in the Philippines, my home country. In my role as a credit analyst, I collaborated with various stakeholders to identify and mitigate financial, macro, and operational risk factors with the goal of funding and kickstarting development projects. Some of my favorite projects include expansion of power and water distribution facilities in underserved provinces, construction of residential and commercial real estate in emerging cities, and development of alternative and renewable powerplants that were among the firsts in the country.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far? During the Gabelli Launch (our student orientation), FT MBAs were tasked to complete a consulting project on the path to sustainability for one of three industries. It was a daunting task for someone who had absolutely no experience in sustainability. On top of that, the consulting group had to work in a virtual environment due to the pandemic. After around three weeks of data gathering, research and analysis – and conferring with our advisors – we were able to create a sustainability plan for the fashion industry. As an individual coming from a country with minimal sustainability efforts in place, learning as much as we did about corporate ESG – and having been able to conceive an industry sustainability plan – is definitely my biggest learning experience and accomplishment as an MBA student thus far. And I look forward to put these learnings to good use.

What led you to pursue an MBA at this point in your career? An MBA has always been part of my career plans; it was just a matter of when I believed I could contribute meaningfully and learn substantially. And at this point, my career has given me sufficient experiences to share and, at the same time, has allowed me to discover opportunities for growth. I believe that the MBA program would help propel me towards my career goals through highly practical coursework, industry-relevant extracurriculars, and networking with colleagues and professionals.

What was your defining moment and how did it prepare you for business school? I would say that my defining moment is more of a whole experience rather than a specific moment. Since high school, I have been part of a faith-based community aimed at providing activities to enrich and strengthen members’ Christian faith. I started out as a participant in these activities and eventually became part of the leadership team.

The experience helped me grow as an individual as it challenged me to take responsibility for something bigger than myself. I learned to work with different personalities, productively discuss difficult issues, and formulate creative solutions as we ensured that the community continued to thrive amid the many difficulties faced. I also realized how consistent self-improvement not just benefits one’s self but also the community you work in and people you work with. Now that I have entered business school, having these skills in my toolkit is extremely valuable as I step into a dynamic international setting with a diverse set of individuals carrying with them vast experiences and backgrounds.

DON’T MISS: Meet Fordham Gabelli’s MBA Class of 2022