Applying In Round 3? Here’s What to Consider

Spring on campus. Photo: Hensley Carrasco

Maximize Your March: Strategic Steps for MBA Applicants

While September MBA deadlines seem distant, a lot can happen within six months.

Susan Cera, an admissions consultant at Stratus Admissions Counseling, recently offered a few tips on how to best spend your time in March to set yourself up for success.


Setting short-term goals can help set the foundation for your MBA application. Short-term goals are defined as the 2-3 years after business school graduation.

“The short-term goals after MBA must be very well specified in terms of industry, location, the set of firms you are aiming for, and your seeking role,” according to MBA and Beyond.

To start identifying your short-term goals, Cera recommends taking time to research post-MBA opportunities.

“Find a job description for your dream role,” Cera says. “If possible, arrange informational interviews with individuals who are in that role and learn about their background and responsibilities.”


With six months left, you should make the most out of your time at work to gain relevant experience that can bolster your application.

“Now is the time to ask for assignments that will enable you to get exposure and develop new skills,” Cera says. “Ask for constructive feedback, and then find an opportunity to address it in the short term. Do you need some leadership experience? Ask if you can lead a small project or team. If possible, let your manager know that you are thinking about applying for an MBA, share your goals, and ask for their support.”


Most schools accept both the GMAT or GRE. In any case, you’ll want to decide with test to take and start laying out a game plan.

“Book a test date either in person or online, and then create a plan to prepare,” Cera says. “Having a test date on the calendar will keep you accountable to your studying. If you need assistance with preparing, don’t delay. Get help now. Some of the best tutors have waitlists, and if you are set on submitting applications in Round 1, you don’t want test preparation to push you to Round 2.”

Sources: Stratus Admissions Counseling, LinkedIn

Next Page: How to connect with current students and alumni