Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Salome Mikadze, Stanford GSB

Salome Mikadze

Stanford Graduate School of Business

“Tech enthusiast with Ukrainian-Georgian roots, eager to lead, mentor, and spark global change through innovative solutions.”

Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine

Fun Fact About Yourself: Opera training in music school got me a four-octave range.

Undergraduate School and Major: Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business, Majors: 1) OPIM; 2) Management and OB

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Movadex, Co-Founder

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of Stanford GSB’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? Choosing Stanford GSB was deeply influenced by my experience surviving a war, which taught me the immense value of making a tangible impact. This transformative period underscored the urgency of scaling solutions to global challenges. Stanford’s emphasis on leadership, innovation, and its unparalleled ecosystem for fostering social entrepreneurship presented the perfect platform to amplify my impact. The MBA program’s focus on creating leaders poised to tackle the world’s most pressing issues aligns with my ambition to dedicate two transformative years to scaling my efforts, leveraging Stanford’s resources to extend my reach and deepen my contribution to societal change.

What has been the most important thing that you’ve learned at Stanford GSB so far? At Stanford GSB, the standout lesson for me has been realizing that “nothing is impossible.” Surrounded by some of the most talented individuals from across the globe, every day is a learning experience. This environment has taught me that with determination and the right support, any challenge can be overcome. This realization has been transformative, reshaping my perspective on what I can achieve and highlighting the importance of collaboration and shared wisdom in tackling complex problems.

What course, club or activity have you enjoyed the most so far at Stanford GSB? The activity I’ve enjoyed the most at Stanford GSB has been exploring the outdoor scene. With the Bay Area’s stunning natural beauty, connecting with nature here has been incredibly inspiring. It’s a new aspect of my life that I’ve come to cherish. Traveling around the area with friends has not only been a life-changing experience but also a fantastic way to recharge and find inspiration outside the classroom. The outdoors offers a unique classroom of its own, teaching lessons of resilience, beauty, and the importance of preserving our environment.

What quality best describes your MBA classmates you’ve met so far? Give an example why this is true. The quality that best describes my MBA classmates at Stanford GSB is “inspired.” Everyone here is committed to making a change, creating an environment where we’re all moving at light speed towards impactful goals. Witnessing the remarkable accomplishments of my peers has been nothing short of inspirational. It’s as if the collective energy and ambition fuel our drive, pushing us to not only dream big but also to take tangible steps towards realizing those dreams. This shared passion for positive change is what makes the community truly exceptional.

Describe your biggest accomplishment in your career so far: Leading Movadex, a company I co-founded at 18, through war and creating an environment where we could make a tangible impact has been my biggest accomplishment. Supporting our army, refugees, and volunteers, amidst crisis, has been at the core of my daily work. This experience not only tested our resilience and innovation but also underscored the importance of community and making a difference during challenging times. It’s been a journey of growth, leadership, and commitment to positive change.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far? Navigating through my MBA, the real achievement hasn’t been just making it through classes. It’s been about taking those MBA theories and applying them in the real world. It’s about transforming strategic frameworks learned over coffee into actionable solutions for real-life challenges. That leap from classroom discussion to practical application? That’s been the highlight of my MBA experience, showcasing the true value of bridging academic learning with real-world impact.

What has been your best memory as an MBA so far? Pinning down just one best memory from my MBA journey is tough because I’m living and creating those top moments right now. Each day is packed with unique experiences, learning, and connections that I truly value. This time at the MBA is special, filled with opportunities that I’m seizing to the fullest, making it hard to single out just one memory. It’s the entire journey—each lecture, project, and spontaneous coffee chat—that I’m cherishing deeply, shaping an unforgettable chapter in my life.

What advice would you give to a prospective applicant looking to join the Stanford GSB Class of 2026? Absolutely, go for it! I submitted my application to Stanford GSB from a bomb shelter, just days before the deadline. It was a spontaneous decision, but unquestionably the best one I’ve ever made. The experience at Stanford is unique, something you won’t find anywhere else. So, if you’re considering applying, take this as your cue. The journey is transformative, filled with unparalleled challenges and opportunities.


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