Meet The MBA Class of 2025: Fadi Bastaki, The UCL School Of Management

Fadi Bastaki

“Creative and logical, I blend finance expertise with a passion for art, poetry, and film”

Hometown: Mishref, Kuwait

Fun Fact About Yourself: I enjoy golf and building architectural models as a hobby.

Undergraduate School and Major: Bentley University, Economic/Finance

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Kuwait Petroleum International, Team Leader Risk Management and Assurance

What has been the biggest accomplishment in your career so far?

My biggest accomplishment has been securing over $30 billion in financing for various development projects, which has significantly contributed to the growth and security of my organization.

When you think of your school, what is the first word that comes to mind?

Innovation. UCL is known for its cutting-edge research and creative approach to education, which aligns with my desire to be at the forefront of sustainable energy solutions.

What are one or two key aspects of this program that led you to choose the program, and why were they so important to you?

The program’s flexibility and the breadth of its curriculum were key factors in my decision. These aspects are important to me because they allow me to tailor my learning experience to my specific interests and career goals, while ensuring I gain a well-rounded understanding of all essential business concepts.

What course, club, activity, or experience excites you the most and why?

The experience that excites me the most is my involvement in the World Government Summit and participating in digital hackathons. These opportunities allowed me to engage with global leaders, explore innovative solutions to pressing challenges, and hone my skills in digital transformation, all of which are invaluable to my personal and professional growth.

What is one thing you have recently read, watched, or listened to that you would highly recommend to other prospective MBAs? 

I highly recommend the book “Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons” by George Pendle. It chronicles the life of an eccentric and innovative individual who played a pivotal role in the birth of NASA. This book is a testament to how ground-breaking advancements often stem from unconventional minds. It serves as a reminder to keep your creative side open and expanding, as it can lead to extraordinary achievements in any field.

What are two things you have learned that have surprised you so far – one academic and one non-academic?

Academically, I have been surprised by how much I can learn, especially as the program has facilitated understanding on a much higher level than I previously thought.

Non-Academic: I’ve been surprised by the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives among my classmates, which has enriched my learning experience and expanded my worldview.

What advice would you give to help potential applicants gain admission into your MBA program?

Focus on showcasing your unique experiences and how they align with the program’s values. Be genuine and articulate your passion for your chosen field and how the MBA will help you achieve your goals.


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