Meet the MBA Class of 2024: Vladyslava Savytska, University of Oxford (Saïd)

Vladyslava Savytska

University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School

“Tech-driven product strategist, startup enthusiast, and problem solver with a global mindset and passion for impact.”

Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine

Fun Fact About Yourself: Passionate about animal welfare, actively engaged in diverse cultures from living in China and India.

Graduate School and Major: Ashoka University – Young India Fellowship Program

Undergraduate School and Major: Taras Shevchenko National University – BA in Philology, Oriental Languages, Institute of Philology, Kyiv, Ukraine

Most Recent Employer and Job Title: Hopp, Hyderabad, India – Head of Product

Aside from your classmates, what was the key part of Oxford Saïd’s MBA programming that led you to choose this business school and why was it so important to you? Oxford Saïd’s unwavering commitment to global impact resonated deeply. The focus on responsible business, diverse perspectives, and hands-on programs like the Oxford Seed Fund align with my career values.

What course, club, or activity has been your favorite part of the Oxford Saïd MBA experience? I thoroughly enjoyed the Business Finance course, which delved into the measurement of investment value, portfolio management and the intricacies of corporate finance. Initially daunted by finance and math, Professor Howard Jones’ teaching style made it accessible, fostering my interest and providing a robust foundation.

What is the most “Oxford” thing you have done so far as a full-time MBA student? Participating in formal dinners at historic colleges, embracing the tradition and unique atmosphere that defines Oxford.

Oxford is known as a place where worlds collide, be it in the classroom or the dining hall. What has been the most interesting interaction you’ve had so far as an Oxford MBA student? Navigating the incredibly diverse and dynamic environment at Oxford, specific interactions are hard to pinpoint. Overall, I’d say it was engaging with classmates from various backgrounds, sharing experiences, and learning from perspectives I hadn’t considered has been incredibly enriching.

Describe the biggest accomplishment in your career so far: It was ransforming Hopp’s product function, optimizing onboarding, and successfully launching apps, contributing significantly to increased user retention.

Describe your biggest accomplishment as an MBA student so far: It was contributing to classroom discussions with unique experiences, fostering a collaborative and diverse learning environment. My active participation reflects my commitment to adding value to the Oxford MBA community.

What has been the biggest epiphany you’ve gained about yourself or the world since you started your MBA program? Embarking on my MBA, I discovered the transformative power of embracing diverse perspectives. Interacting with classmates from diverse backgrounds opened my eyes to the multifaceted nature of problem-solving. It’s not just about tackling challenges; it’s about leveraging the collective strength of varied viewpoints. This realization has been a game-changer, emphasizing the value of collaboration and highlighting the richness that different experiences bring to the table. It’s not just about learning from textbooks; it’s about absorbing the wisdom of those around you, fostering a deeper understanding of both global issues and ourselves.