
Mr. Sans-Vertebrae

About Me:

I grew up in a poor town on the outskirts of Phoenix. My family was decently educated however my parents struggled to pay bills due to a combination of drug abuse, mental illness and physical health issues. I worked my way through college with both scholarships and part-time jobs. I am terrified that one day I will stop learning new things.


Target School: MIT Sloan

Considering: Tepper, UCLA Anderson, Stanford GSB, Kellogg SOM, Ross

See More Profiles For: MIT Sloan

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Arizona State University

Undergrad Major: Supply Chain Management & Quant Economics

GPA: 3.78

GMAT: 730

Age: 22,  Ethnicity: White

Other Degree/Certification: Applied Business Data Analytics Undergrad Cert

School Name: Arizona State University

Extracurriculars: President of AntiViral Consulting, Business Officer of the ASU Formula One Team

Work History:

Title: Supply Chain Analytics Associate

Industry: Supply Chain / Logistics

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 6 mos

Big Life Wins:

After being rejected from the consulting club at my school, I recruited a team of students and started my own. I failed out of high school as a young man due to a severe spinal deformity, my father’s alchoholism and my mothers struggle with suicidal bipolar disorder. I eventually returned to college to double major in economics and business.

Post MBA Goal:

I hope to compliment a masters in logistics with an MBA in order to get into consulting or investment banking. My real passion may be entrepreneurship so I see an MBA as valuable there as well.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 8%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 10%

    Hi Mr. Sans Vertebrae,
    This is Debbie Choy, Senior Consultant at mbaMission. I think you’re off to a strong start for your career – supply chain and logistics is an under-represented but no less critical industry for b-schools. If you continue on your career path, in a few years, you would be an attractive candidate to the schools on your list. Most schools want their students to have at least a few years of full-time work experience to be able to bring real-world business insights to classroom discussions. One other thing to consider is to get involved in your community. Volunteering at community organizations is a great way to demonstrate leadership. If possible, step into some leadership roles, eg. join a junior board, or a committee. …

    4 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 5%

    Hi Mr. Sans Vertebrae, Melisa here from Stratus Admissions. You have clearly found success in the face of adversity. And your strong stats with a double major and GMAT score show you can handle the academic rigor of the program. You mention an MS Logistics degree – so wondering if you are looking to do a joint degree? Or if you in currently in an MS Logistics program and want to apply for deferred programs as a current student. Overall, your 6 months of experience is generally much less than the middle 80% of most programs at 3-8 years of experience. If you are looking for joint degree programs, then I think you should wait a year or 2 until you have a bit more …

    4 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 25%

  • 25% | 4 years ago

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