
Ms. Chemical Engineer

About Me:

As a consultant, I am the youngest person to lead a client project on one of the largest Pharma M&A deals in history. Previously, I worked as a chemical engineer in R&D where I engineered 3 medical devices that were acquired by a Fortune 500 Life Sciences Company. I also was a science policy analyst for the United Nations, working on international chemical weapon laws.


Target School: Harvard

Considering: Stanford GSB, MIT Sloan, Wharton

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Yale/Harvard/Princeton

Undergrad Major: Chemical Engineering

GPA: 3.53

GMAT: 720

Age: 25,  Ethnicity: White

Other Degree/Certification: Energy Studies Professional Certificate, GPA: 4.0

School Name: Yale/Harvard/Princeton

Extracurriculars: Teacher for MIT's Junior Achievement Business Course, Teaching Assistant for a core chemical engineering course at Northeastern, Former President of Women in STEM (500 member org) at my undergrad, Scientific Author for Cell & Gene Therapy Center of Excellence (at my consulting firm)

Work History:

Title: Consultant

Industry: Consulting

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 2 yrs, 4 mos

Title: Medical Device Project Manager & Engineer

Industry: Engineering

Company: Start-Up

Length of Employment: 1 yr

Big Life Wins:

When a Director suddenly left my client’s company (top 5 largest in Pharma), the client asked me to step into the role. I am the youngest person to ever be placed in a Director role at this company, securing me a fast-track promotion at my consulting firm. Developed 3 medical devices commercially, & published research in 4 scientific journals.

Post MBA Goal:

I hope to return to my consulting firm to spearhead their Venture’s initiatives in Healthcare and Biotech, or to start a Biotech Venture company of my own. I also hope to become a Science Policy advisor to a large Life Sciences company in the long(er) term.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 62%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • MBA Prep School | Odds Assessment: 65%

    Hi Ms. Chemical Engineer, this is Kristen from MBA Prep School. As a former adcom at MIT Sloan, I think you have a stellar profile for admission. From a purely demographic background, you are a female STEM major turned chemical engineer turned consultant with medical device development and research under your belt. It can’t be easy to prove yourself in this arena, but prove yourself you have! Add to that a solid GPA at an Ivy League school, a solid 720 (a bit below the average at HBS but within range), an array of community engagement, and a pivot into consulting where you’ve experienced unprecedented growth, and you have the makings of a top applicant. It also sounds like you perhaps have sponsorship or an …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 60%

    Wow. I am super impressed with what you have accomplished at the age of 25. Your admirable achievements will play really well with Chad and his team at Harvard Business School. You check a lot of boxes, after all: Ivy League degree, a woman in STEM, an impressive 3.53 GPA in chemical engineering (and if it was at Princeton and when the school was waging a war against grade inflation that is even more impressive), a solid 720 GMAT score and then your work experience in medical devices and in consulting. Honestly, the only way you blow this is by turning in a sloppy application or doing poorly during the admissions interview which you almost certainly will get.

    5 years ago

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 56%

  • 75% | 4 years ago

  • 95% | 4 years ago

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  • 70% | 4 years ago

  • 10% | 4 years ago

  • 80% | 4 years ago

    Great profile

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