
Ms. Deep Tech Lover

About Me:

I am a management consultant working at MBB, affiliated to tech practice (AI, advanced components, advanced electronics.)


Target School: Harvard

Considering: Berkeley Haas

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Korea's top 3 university

Undergrad Major: Economics

GPA: 3.87/4.3

GMAT: Focus 705 (Classic 750 equivalent)

Age: 27,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: Team (anonymous): Leader of project team developing apps to support social issues (1) AI based anti phishing app (2) Mental healthcare app | Volunteering at a second hand shop for 10 years: I just love the tranquility and the emotional bond I've built there with the volunteers and customers. Contribution to sustainability is a bonus. | Amateur entrepreneurship program of a famous venture capital in Korea: spearheaded team of 4 to create an advanced analytics based health functional food analysis app for pregnant woman and elders / Awarded 1st place

Work History:

Title: Associate/Junior Team Leader

Industry: Consulting

Company: Top Firm

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 3 mos

Big Life Wins:

– Early promoted from entry level consultant, and now the youngest junior team lead in our office.
– Semi Finalist in our company’s innovation competition (submitting innovative ideas on how to leverage AI for our firm)
– Spearheaded historic renegotiation of an unfair contract for a fortune 500 semiconductor company: led to immediate impact of $XXX M

Post MBA Goal:

In the long term I aim to run a venture capital that nurtures deep tech companies in East Asia.
Before that, after graduation I aim to join back my MBB firm in the west coast and then start my own tech venture.


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