
Ms. Developing Markets

About Me:

I’m very interested in using business and technology to make an impact on markets in the developing world. At my firm, I’ve been able to work on financial services projects, both in the US and abroad. I’ve completed two externships, in two different countries, at an org. which provides business solutions for problems in the developing world.


Target School: Harvard

See More Profiles For: Harvard

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: Princeton

Undergrad Major: Political Science

GPA: 3.63

GMAT: 780

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Extracurriculars: In college - officer on political extracurricular team, president of large social club with a multi-million dollar budget; after college - volunteer on political campaigns, mentor for low-income high school students applying to college, learned French and Spanish.

Work History:

Title: Consultant at 2nd Tier Firm (LEK/OW/ATK)

Industry: Consulting

Company: Fortune 100 Top 10

Length of Employment: 3 yrs, 3 mos

Big Life Wins:

Promoted early twice at my firm, have had a large impact on multiple projects in financial services.

Post MBA Goal:

Would like to start a social enterprise.


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 50%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • MBA Prep School | Odds Assessment: 50%

    Hi Ms. Developing Markets, Kristen from MBA Prep School here. You really have all the puzzle pieces for a strong MBA application here! That 780 will be impossible for Admissions Committees to ignore, along with your stellar academic performance and extracurricular commitments at Princeton. You’ve also done a nice job of weaving in your social impact interests throughout your personal and professional life, from your volunteer work and mentorship to completing externships at related international organizations. It then makes perfect sense that your career goal involves making your own mark on the world. You’ll want to highlight specific ideas for what this might look like in your application to showcase you have already given it thought and know which resources you will take advantage of …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 50%

    Ms. Developing Markets, I am super impressed with your accomplishments. You may not be at MBB but you have done some fascinating things and gained invaluable global experience in the process. Princeton is a good place to start. As an Ivy League prize, it is among the top five feeder universities to Harvard Business School, behind only Harvard, Penn, Stanford and Yale. In the Class of 2020, 24 MBA graduates earned their undergradate degrees at Princeton. Your 3.63 is solid from Princeton. And your 780 GMAT is, of course, brilliant. By the way, even though you are at a second-tier consulting player, there were a half dozen Harvard MBAs from Oliver Wyman in the Class of 2020 and three from A.T. Kearney. So that isn’t …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 56%

  • 95% | 4 years ago

  • 90% | 4 years ago

  • 75% | 5 years ago

  • 50% | 5 years ago

    Hi Ms. Developing Markets, Kristen from MBA Prep School here. You really have all the puzzle pieces for a strong MBA application here! That 780 will be impossible for Admissions Committees to ignore, along with your stellar academic performance and extracurricular commitments at Princeton. You've also done a nice job of weaving in your social impact interests throughout your personal and professional life, from your volunteer work and mentorship to completing externships at related international organizations. It then makes perfect sense that your career goal involves making your own mark on the world. You'll want to highlight specific ideas for what this might look like in your application to showcase you have already given it thought and know which resources you will take advantage of ...
    Read the full review
  • 60% | 5 years ago

    HBS does reject people with 780 GMATs but not if they are from Princeton and as accomplished as you!
  • 75% | 5 years ago

  • 50% | 5 years ago

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