
Ms. Sales & Trading

About Me:

Hi all! I am an investment professional at a boutique VC in India for the past one year. Prior to this I worked at two top investment banks as a quant analyst and equities trader for three years in total. I holds a Masters in Management degree from London business school and a 4.0 GPA from University of Mumbai.


Target School: Stanford GSB

See More Profiles For: Stanford GSB

Application Status: Open


Undergrad School: University of Mumbai

Undergrad Major: Finance

GPA: 4.0

GMAT: 740

Age: 26,  Ethnicity: Asian or Indian

Other Degree/Certification: Masters in Management

School Name: London Business School

Extracurriculars: Programme Manager for women only VC fund

Work History:

Title: Investment Professional

Industry: Venture Capital

Company: Boutique Firm

Length of Employment: 1 yr, 2 mos

Title: Quant Analyst/ Equities Trader

Industry: Banking & Finance

Company: Fortune 500

Length of Employment: 3 yrs

Big Life Wins:

Programme Manager for women only fund at current company

Post MBA Goal:

Start my own consumer retail focused company or join a better name VC


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The Experts Rate The Odds At: 12%

See what the industry experts have to say:

  • John A. Byrne, P&Q Founder & Editor-In-Chief | Odds Assessment: 5%

    Reading your profile and the thoughtful perspectives by Nisha and Jennifer made me remember an article I wrote some time ago that showed the tremendous odds Indian candidates in particular face at U.S. business schools. We were able to get our hands on some incredibly rare data: the numbers of Indians and Chinese who apply at individual business schools and their acceptance rates compared to Americans and Europeans. The gap was rather shocking. It showed that Indians consistently faced much higher rejection, sometimes four to five times the rate of rejection for U.S. and European applicants.

    See here:

    It’s one thing to continually say that Indians–male and female and especially male Indian engineers are the most overrepresented candidates in the elite MBA applicant …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Odds Assessment: 15%

    Hi, this is Deepak Punwani from MBA Exchange. Its difficult to really rate your chances as a lot will depend on the context of your achivements and that may be a reason why you may be seeing different odds for your success at Harvard. Am going to concentrate more on what improves your odds at Harvard. 1) Showcasing how well you have done at work in spite of this being a very challenging time for I banks in the City. If in this market, you have done well notwithstanding threat of Brexit, fintech’s, regulations and general slowdown in I banking world – then your odds at Harvard improve. 2) If you can link your journey from MiM to I Banking to MBB to startup …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • mbaMission Odds Assessment: 10%

    Hi, it’s Nisha, Sr. Consultant with from mbaMission. It sounds like you’re on a great track so far in your banking career. However, you are early on in your career (HBS students have an average of about 5 years of work experience) so I strongly recommend waiting at least another year to continue building a track record there – the HBS candidates I’ve worked with successfully had at least 4 years of work experience. Regarding your stats – you’re applying from a very heavily represented demographic, so I highly recommend retaking GMAT and bumping it up at least 10 points. You’ve got excellent outside involvement so far, and waiting the extra year+ to apply will give you the chance to continue increasing …

    5 years ago Read the full review
  • Stratus Admissions Counseling Odds Assessment: 20%

    Hi, it’s Jennifer Jackson from Stratus Admissions. Some strengths I see in your profile are that you’re a woman in a more male-dominated industry and you have global work experience. You have a solid GMAT and GPA, and I love that you have a clothing business on the side — that’s interesting! I do see some weaknesses though, some of which you can address before you apply (and some of which just are what they are!). You’re from an over-represented demographic so applicants like you have to work even harder to stand out. You’re quite light on work experience so I might recommend waiting at least a year to apply, which gives you the chance to gain more experience both at work and outside of …

    5 years ago Read the full review

The Community Currently Rates The Odds At: 19%

  • 30% | 5 years ago

    You have strong grades and with 1-2 promotions at a BB I think you'll be competitive from a professional standpoint. It sounds like you also have a unique extracurricular running an online clothing business; however, it would be helpful to better understand your story and how everything leading up to this point has led you to Harvard (and ultimately MBB).
  • 35% | 5 years ago

  • 15% | 5 years ago

    Way too young, don’t see Harvard admitting an analyst. Maybe in a few years as an associate or higher.
  • 10% | 5 years ago

    You're on the right track with on-target stats and fantastic work experience. You just need a bit more time for HBS.
  • 15% | 5 years ago

  • 15% | 5 years ago

    Hate to be redundant, but you haven't demonstrated growth progression in your roles so far.
  • 15% | 5 years ago

    Two young but if you get a bit more work experience you could be a very serious applicant to HBS.

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