Stanford Graduate School of Business

Latest Up-To-Date MBA Rankings:

Poets&Quants (2014): 1

BusinessWeek (2014): 4

U.S. News & World Report (2014): 1

Forbes (2013): 1

Financial Times (2014): 2 (U.S.)

The Economist (2014): 7 (U.S.)

Ranking Analysis:

Stanford GSB nudged Harvard Business School out of its first place ranking for the first time in five years in 2014, according to the 2014 Poets&Quants’ survey. In all of our previous rankings, Stanford was a close second to HBS so it didn’t have to move very far. Both U.S. News and Forbes have the school No. 1 in their latest surveys. The Financial Times puts the school second, behind only Harvard Business School. Bloomberg BusinessWeek’s ranking, which largely measures graduate satisfaction and recruiter sentiment, ranked Stanford fourth in 2014 when it made major changes to its methodology that helped to sink HBS to eighth place. The Economist, meantime, ranks Stanford as seventh best among U.S. schools on its global MBA list.

One Class of 2014 grad summed up his Stanford experience to BW this way: “The people are high caliber but also genuinely nice, very open and accepting, the size of the class, the closeness (spiritually and physically) to Silicon Valley and the tech industry, and the leadership learning opportunities. Other things that stood out are the GSB facilities and the opportunities within the university–outside the business school.”

B-School Smack Down Reports:

Harvard Business School vs. Stanford Graduate School of Business

Berkeley’s Haas School vs. Stanford Graduate School of Business

Dartmouth’s Tuck School vs. Stanford Graduate School of Business

Interview with Admissions Director

The Gatekeeper to Stanford’s Graduate School of Business

How To Apply to Stanford and What Happens To Your Application After It’s Submitted

Student Perspectives:

From a Dot-Com Bust to a Stanford MBA

2014-2015 Tuition: $61,875

School Recommended Two-Year Budget: $202,870

Average GMAT: 732

GMAT Range: 550-790

Average GPA: NA

Acceptance Rate: 6.5%

Full-Time Enrollment: 809

International: 44%

Female: 42%

Minority: 23%

Average Years of Work Experience: 4

Median Base Salary: $125,000

Median Signing Bonus: $25,000

Median Other Guaranteed Bonus: $31,500

Median Total Compensation: $181,500

Percentage of MBAs with Job Offers at Graduation: 80%

Percentage of MBAs with Job Offers Three Months Later: 94%