The Economist Ranks B-School Networks

Young man have job interview.Blast from the Past:

Big MBA Employers Are Tough Interviewers

“How many people would use a drug that prevents baldness?”

Say what?

That’s a question asked by Boston Consulting Group to prospective associates. And they’re not looking for the “right” answer. They’re testing a candidate’s ability to listen, improvise, maintain poise, and deliver a creative and cogent response. In other words, they want to know how a recruit will react when a client makes an outrageous or baffling request.

Of course, that’s only one tactic used by Google, P&G, and Amazon. Some require a series of interviews that test a potential hire’s patience and endurance. Other firms mete out tests that make the GMAT look like an open book exam. Question is, which firms erect the highest barriers to entrance?

A recent Glassdoor survey has the answers. Click on the link below to learn which top recruiters hold the toughest interviews.

Source: Poets&Quants

Video of the Week

The 10 Commandments of MBA Interviews

Source: Linda Abraham